
I have white stuff coming out of my boob why?

by  |  earlier

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I don't believe I'm preg even if i was i wouldn't be lactating for at least 6 months i don't know what it is




  1. umm boobjob leaking....

  2. If u been pregnant before then that is why your bodu does that. At some point it recognized ur body going through changes.

  3. i used to see on my bra some white stuff....thought it was leakn out of my boob but it turnd out to be if u r not sure its frm ur boob check if it is jst sweat!

  4. It's probably milk.

    Some women lactate spontaneously even when they are not pregnant or breastfeeding.  Usually they only see milk if they express it from their breast, but sometimes it leaks.  This may occur only at certain points in their menstrual cycles, or all the time.  Some women will also leak or eject milk during o****m.

    If there's no identifiable cause, it's harmless.  If it bothers you or seems excessive, see your doctor.  Sometimes a hormone imbalance can cause you to lactate.  Sometimes there are other causes.  If a cause can be identified, it may be possible to stop it, if it's bothering you.

    Some drugs can cause this condition, such as cimetidine (Tagamet, for ulcers).

    Also, if you stimulate your b*****s a lot, they may eventually start to lactate, even if you've never been pregnant.

    The technical name for this condition is galactorrhea.

  5. At the beginning of my pregnancy I had the same thing. I don't remember what it is called. I f you are pregnant it is normal.

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