
I have written a few poems, can I publish them if they contain bad language (cursing)?

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I have written a few poems, can I publish them if they contain bad language (cursing)?




  1. That depends on where you publish them. If you're talking about a book, then go for it! However, if you're talking about on internet sites, be careful of where you choose to put it. It's just expression and sharing your work. I personally don't think that cursing makes a poem or book or movie or anything else any less enjoyable. It can even add to the emotion and it can get the point across easier sometimes.

    I hope this helped! =)

  2. Of course, in general.  Lots of great poets use so-called "dirty words".  However, many of these same poets wrote a lot of poems without cursing, first.  Some editors may view that sort of language as a crutch...depends on the individual poem :)

    As to whether you can publish them via Yahoo Answers, the answer is probably no.  There are community guidelines which prohibit obscenity.

  3. have you seen whats being published these days??

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