
I have written poems i want to sell

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I have written poems i want to sell




  1. Haven't we all !

    There seems to be no ready made market for poetry and the occasional payments you might get if you are lucky, are very poor.

    If you look at even the famous poets from the past, most of their work was not recognised until after they were dead.

  2. if you're wanting to make money off of them, why don't you enter a poetry contest???

  3. and the question is?

  4. So have I.

    Fat chance of selling any.

    Try an ebook.

  5. Ha ha. Ha haha! ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Most poets work very hard to get anything published. A typical "payment" is a copy or two of the publication with your poem in it. Some places actually pay $5.

    A few places, like The New Yorker, pay actual money for poetry. More likely are the poetry contests, in which you submit a body of work. The richest of these is perhaps $5,000 and they publish a book of your stuff. Look in "Writers and Authors", an annual book of who is publishing what.

  6. Talk to a publisher then.

    Hope this helps

  7. Good for you!

  8. Poets never make a living.  Every poet you read now had a day job.  Yeats was a playwright Skarespeare, same.  Plath taught.  Hopkins was a priest.  Eliot was a professor.  You can’t make a living on poetry.  You can’t sell it.


  9. if you want to find buyers u need to get a person to publish your poems =p

    also, you need quite a lot of poems if you want to publish ur own poetry book :)

    hope that helps

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