
I have yellow flowers just trying to figure out how soon I will have tomatoes? how many days?

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I have yellow flowers just trying to figure out how soon I will have tomatoes? how many days?




  1. It depends not only on the type of plant but on the environment. I have some plants on the West side of my house that took over a month to sprout fruit and the ones on the North side of my house only took a few weeks. I'm not sure if its the soil or what but mine are all the same breed.

  2. If you are talking about nice, juicy, ready to eat ones, you should be counting weeks (maybe even couple months). If you are just talking about little tiny green ones that give you something to look at and watch grow, probably a couple weeks. Well worth the wait though!!!

  3. Entirely dependent on the type of tomato, but you've got awhile yet.

  4. they should start in about a week

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