
I havea few questions for you ....

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment, and if I have anything such as a five gallon fish tank or bigger, I have to have a pet deposit of $300.

I can't afford the $300 nonrefundable deposit.

So, my question would be what can I get as far as fish go, and what can I keep them in?




  1. im sorry but no humane fish owner would put a fish in anything less than 10 gallons.

    and even  in a 10 gallon i would only put one betta.

    sorry, but i do know what im talking about

    i have my masters in marine biology and i have and entire room of my house dedicated to fish (7 tanks from 20 gallons to 180 gallons).

    people will tell you to get whatever set up you want, just as long as the fish will survive, but i don't think that is good enough.  Would you buy a dog and just be satisfied with it surviving???

    im sure once you get a little older youll be able to pay the deposit, or get your own house.  Then you can get a small 15 or 20 gallon tank.

  2. a betta

  3. I would say you could get a betta. If you get a 3 gallon or 2.5 gallon you could put in 1 or 2 ghost shrimp or a snail.

  4. lets see.

    a betta


    a clown killifish (if you can find them)


    a couple otocinclus


    a dwarf puffer


    a bumblebee goby (if you're ok with live food, and brackish tanks)

    what are all the thumbs downs for?

  5. Your land lord will make you pay a deposit on fish?  You have got to be kidding?  I would go over your lease.  A pet is described as , dog, cat, rabbit never have I seen one that included fish.

    First how would they know it isn't like fish make loud noises.

    I say get the 5 gallon, tell them you are watching them for a friend and get yourself a betta.  If they ever need to get in, move the tank.

  6. get a small 3 gallon tank. you could put some tetras in there. or instead a betta or some guppies or mollies.

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