
I havedecided to enter into the teaching profession after my post graduation;what preparations r 2 b done 4 it

by  |  earlier

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what preparations are to be done if one wishes to enter into teaching profession right from 1 year B.E? My subject is E&C in B.E-i.e any courses which have to be done or subject of choice in post graduation ,etc.......




  1. I'm with heyyou on this one.

    All the classes in the world will not prepare you for what actually happens inside of a classroom.  It is day and night.  Get the experience, and see if you like it.

  2. I am not sure of courses to take, but I will give you this bit of advice (I am a teacher).  Spend as much time as you can in a classroom.  Find a teacher who would be willing to let you observe and teach a few classes.  Too many students complete their education and then after a day or so in a classroom, they are asking themselves, "Why did I do this?"  Get some real-life experience if you have not done so.  Hope this helps.

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