
I haven't been stable/normal for almost 2 years now, how do you diagnose schizoaffective disorder?

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Ok, for the past two years i have been constantly shifting between major depression, mania, dysphoric mania and mixed states. I felt normal back in 2006, and since then i have forgotten everything.

I was diagnosed with bipolar type 1 a year ago.

So I have all the symptoms of schizophrenia when I am manic and depressed, but i don't know if i feel this way when I am normal, because its been a long time since i was normal and stable. So I am not sure if I have schizoaffective disorder.

I went to the doc for the first time in a year and this doctor diagnosed me with bipolar 1 too. I wanted to bring up schizoaffective disorder to the doctor, but how will he diagnose it?

Will he tell me to take bipolar meds till i become normal and then see if the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder continue?




  1. I'm not sure what you mean by "symptoms of schizophrenia." Are you talking about hallucinations and delusions (false beliefs)?

    It's possible to have hallucinations and delusions in the context of Bipolar Disorder. It's called Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features. If you only have these symptoms during a manic or depressed phase, Bipolar with Psychotic Features is the most likely diagnosis.

    If you are having psychotic phases without a mood change, that would be more like Schizoaffective Disorder.

    Just make sure your doctor knows what kind of symptoms you are having.

    There isn't really that big of a difference. Even if you are diagnosed with Schizoaffective, you will probably continue to get the same medications anyway. Leave the diagnosis to the doctor and let him/her know if you don't think the medications are helping. That is more important.

  2. I can tell you first hand that it is very difficult and could take a long time to diagnose.

    What you are describing may very well be schizoaffective disorder. I can only relate to the experiences I had with my wife.

    My (late) wife was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. We were married 20 years before she died of breast cancer in 2004. 18 of those years we struggled with this.

    To complicate things more, she was an alcoholic although she stopped drinking the last 10 years of her life. So, she had a duel diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder and alcoholism.

    She was hospitalized three times, the first time she was full blown paranoid schizo for a month. The second time, alcoholism, for two weeks. And the third, duel diagnosis for a month.

    No bipolar medicine ever worked for her. She was a rapid cycler, highs and lows multiple times a day.

    For years she was on Prolixin (fluphenazine), which kept peace in the house, but was not the solution to her problem.

    It took the doctors 10 year before they actually gave her this diagnosis.

    The differences between you and my wife is that she never thought she was schizophrenic. She truely believed that the things going on in her head were actually happening.

  3. To get a rainbow, you have to have sunshine at the same time as a shower. Sometimes, it is only when we face the worst, that we release the best. No 'quick, instant high' compares, for example, to the sense of elevation you get when, after a long period of feeling low, your mood finally starts to pick up. Think back over the deep difficulties you have encountered lately. For all that they have been so painful, they have led to one real ray of hope. As you now follow that back to the source, you will yet discover a priceless treasure.

    good day~~~~~~

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