
I haven't been truely happy in forever. :( please help?

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i feel so alone right now and that no one truely understands me. though i stand up for myself, people continue to make me feel like trash. i always have to force myself to smile and i cry every night. people keep making me think that they love me but then they change their mind and leave me. i don't know what to do with my life right now and i need some advice




  1. Well I don't know if your in high school or if your an adult or what, but you need to find new people to hang out with or take a trip somewhere to get a break from your life. Maybe you should find a hobby to get your self involved in. I took up cross country and that helped allot I met new friends and got my confidence back.

  2. I'm sorry you feel bad at this time. First thing you could do is work on self esteem-people don't make us feel anything-it comes from within us. As we find more things that we like about ourselves the less likely we are to buy into negativity, from others. Lots of good books and websites on Self Esteem.

    People come and go from every ones life and it sometimes hurt. If you truly believe these individuals do it to hurt you, move on and find new friends.

    Most females find journaling their thoughts and feeling very helpful instead of putting on a happy face but feeling like h**l. You know the saying to thee ownself be true?

    Also have you considered counseling? You don't indicate how old you are but everyone can benefit from having someone to talk to. Good Luck and God Bless

  3. because you show them you depend on them

    bad enough

    and don`t  be so angry some people cant stand for themselves

    seek for medical help if you cant think positive

  4. My advice to you is to get to know the Lord as your personal savior. He is the only one that will ever make you truly happy. There is a void in all of us that only the true and living God can fill. If you try Jesus you won't be disappointed

  5. You seem to be depressed.  I think that you need to evaluate what you are unhappy with in your life... whether it being family issues, friends, boyfriend issues/ girlfriend issues.  When being rejected constantly it is very hard to pick your head up out of the sand believe me i am one to know.  But you have to know how good of a person you are.  I also feel like no one understands me.  Which relates to depression.  If you want to find out if you should take meds take the self-depression self test at  I understand you and you need some help.

    If you want to talk to someone you can email me @

    or aim me at xoSBRxo

  6. I have had this problem and eventually I found it was better to have say 2 good friends, that many friends who were making me feel like trash.  Trash you friends and get some new ones, and be very picky about who you choose as friends.  Also, remember that if you act like a person who has been abused, you may be treated like that again.  Think about how you act around those people who have treated you badly and try to change your behaviour.  It might just be that you have confided in them that you have been hurt by others and this will just give them the ammunition they need to attack you from a different angle.  

    Get some new friends, and don't tell them, but act positive and confident.  I do wish you all the best.  It is hard but, once you start on the road to positivity your efforts will be rewarded.  I would say this though, please don't treat anyone like these other people have treated you, so move on and be liberated to a new person who looks out for others that are being mistreated by people.  You do not need to tell them that this has happened to you,  just give them some sound advice and say that you knew someone who this had happened to.  

    Don't be abused, but rather be a  help to others and hold your head up high.

    Bless you.

  7. hi, i'm really sorry to hear that....but you have to look at some things...and realize why this is happening to you

    -first you should hang out with people who care for you, if there is no one who you can think of, you need to switch crowds

    -second, you need to make yourself happy and take care of yourself before you try and make other people happy

    -if you are hurting people or turning them away, you should look at yourself and see if this is the case

    -but mostly, do what makes you happy and hang around those people, because there are countless people out there who you are worth it for

    -good luck, remain positive and try really hard to focus on the good things in's hard...but it will get you to a new chapter in your life

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