
I haven't cried since around late can I let my sadness out?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried self harming, which I know is a horrible way to release emotions...I don't know how to do anything else.

I've been in therapy for years, and I've been working hard on dealing with the past (I was abused verbally and emotionally by my father, then was dumped because I wasn't good enough). I just can't let my emotions out there. When I think about this stuff, I can't feel it, I just have the outsider's view on it. I don't cry anymore, and I don't even know WHAT to do with my constant anger.

My (pretty new...I had a suicide attempt, and before I wasn't going to a therapist for a while because of the sheer amount of schoolwork I had to I was seemingly more stable at the time. But obviously that didn't last) therapist is on vacation by the way, so I can't talk to her for another couple of weeks.




  1. go see your doctor they might be able to give you something and to be honest anything is better then self harming the only thing it does is hurt others i know from experience

  2. yeah... i posted the same question a couple of weeks ago and this girl gave me the link to this video... i didn't cry but... it was... it was good...

    (P.s my father did the same thing i'm in the same situation and i'm 13 and my friends help me alot the therapist didn't help me at all it was just a waist of time. My dad hurt me in every kinda way but this year i stopped being sad and i just decided to live like really LIVE. i've done things i've never done B4 and i see the world in a diffrent way. It still hurts but now i can say i AM somebody cuz i've made  myself somebody. This experience has just taught me to stand up on my own. I'm completley independent and i have prepared myself 4 the worst. The only thing that kept me from killing myself is thinking not OF myself but how it would affect others cuz i feel like nobody loves me but deep inside i know and i admit the truth... so movin' on :] ...)

  3. Watch the movie "The Ultimate Gift" if that doesn't make you cry then I am not sure what is wrong w/ you but you may want to seek a shrink

    Seriously I am not joking because I am not a big cry person nor do I really feel an extreme pain for the people on Extreme Makeover etc but I haven't met one person that watched this movie including myself that didn't tear up a little bit

    I think you needed more hugs/love as a child but may not have got it or felt abandoned so that is why you are the way you are but drawing helps you cope in your worst moments  

  4. one word!            


    it lets out all of your emotions especially sad, and you feel so much better after the session.

  5. rwetrytetda

  6. Don't let your anger control you. Try doing fun but violent things like metal music, mosh pits, boxing, wrestling, and fighting to release it against the world. If you aren't into that sort of thing, just go outside away from mankind and appreciate the natural beauty of the earth

  7. Learn to care about another person.

    You're stuck in a cycle that begins and ends with yourself.

  8. Draw basic, little-kiddish drawings

    Dunno why but it works for me

    *hug* hang in there, this is only a tiny part of our lives

  9. throw away all your razor blades and sheets..  now!

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