
I haven't feeling good lately can anyone help me out?

by  |  earlier

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Well i have been having headaches very often, and when i try to use aspirin to help them be less horrible it doesn't take away from the pain at all.Then i felt a little sick to my stomach and had a cold sore which usually come around when i have an illness. Also last night i woke up to use the bathroom and when i got there i suddenly had this weird feeling in my chest like i couldn't breathe and then i had a nauseous feeling. I had to sit on the floor and kinda lay down to regain control of myself. It lasted for like 5 minutes. I don't know what happened to me. Could there be something seriously wrong with me




  1. Honey, chest pain in women is nothing to take lightly, heart problems is the number one killer of females in this country.  Get to a doctor and get a full work up to make sure you're ok!  It may be something simple like acid reflux, there are a lot of different things in there that could go wrong, ok?  FULL CHECK-UP!  

  2. You could have been having a heart attack or a stroke. Therefore go immediately to the doctor right NOW.

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