
I haven't focused much attention to the IRAQ war...?

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This is quoted from Palin.....PATRIOTISM? i thought this was America and I also thought Republicans prided themselves on our soldiers? are you still comfortable with the possibility of her being Commander in Chief? How will she "learn" the Iraq war in a mere 67 days?




  1. I think McCain has got the Iraq war covered if he's elected

  2. She has lots of important things to do in Alaska.

    Like getting her ex brother in law fired from the state troopers by pressuring his boss.

    Scandals come so naturally for Republicans

    Oh and because the republicans are going to ask, instead of using google:

  3. Hopefully for American interests she will not learn it from McCain's foreign policy advisor, Leiberman, or any of the neocon crew.

    Unfortunately that is mostly where she is going to get a crash course from.  With a son going there soon, you would hope that she would follow her domestic agenda against internationalist globalism in Alaska and realize that her son is going to go to war for those same globalist concepts.  It would be great hypocrisy if she was protectionist at home but part of the "lets prop of Georgia for democracy crowd".  It would be especially ironic since her home state is bordering Russia!

    I would be relieved if she was innocent enough to not be tainted by the hawks who like to make profit over sovereignty when convenient.  However, I doubt McCain would have chosen her if she were not game to their plans.

    She seems like a good America first, her home state governor.  In office her job will switch to serving different masters unfortunately.

  4. You'd be amazed really.  I mean, so many people judge the Iraq war so quickly-not because they have ever studied it mind you-because their party told them to have their views.

    So many people are sheep, they sway whichever way their party tells them to.  Sad really...

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