
I haven't got many friends?

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Hi I am home schooled and I am the only one here (who is home schooled) its hard to keep in touch with my friends because I have been home ED for a year now and I dont no what some of them are talking about I am 14 and in the UK prefer not to tell where so is there a site or somethink 2 help me.

if you wood like to talk to me add me at




  1. Education Otherwise has a children's forum where you can talk to other HE students in the UK. You'll probably find some in your area.

  2. Johnyboy,

    If you are unable to keep up with the friends you HAD, is it because they are busy when you are not?  Or is it that they talk about things from the school that you do not know?  Or is it that you are growing more educated (which you probably are) and they cannot keep up with your mind?

    Or is it that your parents keep you home out of fear that you night turn into a rebel, tattooed and drinking vodka? Or maybe you do not go to a youth club/church group/chess club where others hang out.

    Find, in your mind, why you are friendless. . . and DO something about it.  Get help from your mum and dad.

  3. can't you get together with other home schoolers to go swimming or take a certain course together? Thats what we do here in Canada...good luck

  4. Why don't you start an instrument and join an orchestra?  at least you will have time to practice, but i have loads of friends from music that don't go to my school but i see them outside school

    There are always youth clubs or clubs at church, or scouts. Scouts would be good because they do alsorts of stuff and go camping and stuff.  You could go swimming, do your Duke of Edinburgh, dancing, football, explorers (another scout


    Or if you're emo/skater, try and find a skater park, because people hang around there everyday, and theres always girls hanging around.  My friends that used to go always had millions of friends, even though they werent the type of friends you will have all your life, but they always had loads at one time.  Try and see if there is a place like rampworx (liverpool) where you live

    You can also volunteer with millenium volunteers, they do volunteering just with young people and have socials, many are free

    (Please read my blog, I am just starting one

  5. im homeschooled an here they have lots of homeschool organizations...u should search around for one. i also am a member of my churches youth group, u could try that

    or you could try recreational sports or something, you should try to get involved in lots of activites and not just to make freinds, but to have fun...and then friends will come naturally

    hope this helps....let us all know!!! and like others have will b easier when u get a job, i have one and it is alot either get a work permit or volunteer somewhere u might want to work someday....

    good luck!!!!!!!!

  6. why dont you try going to a local community centre or youth group dont have to be in school for them

    or try myspace loads of people on that random add people of your age if you want and talk to them

  7. i would suggest taking up a hobby. something that you are interested in. then along the way, some one with that same interest may cross your path

  8. Aww kiddo, that does sound tough. But can't you try to make more of an effort to keep in contact with your friends? Also, I'm in the U.S., but I know in my community, there is a sort of standing play-date (for lack of a better word) where home schooled kids and their parents get together a couple times a week for an outing. That way the kids get to interact, as well as the parents. Maybe you could see if you have something like that, and if not, start one up! After all, someone has to start one for one to exist, it may as well be you and your mom.

    Good luck, and cowboy up! ;)

  9. go and join a sport or some weekend recreation.  Great way to keep fit and meet lots of people with similar interests.

  10. Time is tough right now for you. It is obvious that your parents love you or they wouldn't home school you, think think that the best education for you is at home. So,,, you cant change that,, but speak to your parents, ask them about activities that have youth in them,,, youth clubs, organizations, does your church offer anything in you age group. Speak to your parents,, calmly. They love you, and want what is best for you. Do your research, throw some ideas at them, they will listen, they love you. In my prayers, your friend

  11. I am home educating my 13 year old daughter - we live in the UK - and she has lots of friends.  I would suggest that you go to the website of the Home Education Advisory Service:

    If you join them, they will be able to give you the contact details of other HE children in your area.  Also try contacting the EHE Officer at your local county council as they may be able to help you as well.

    Best wishes

  12. Don't sit home and feel bad.  Get out there!  Google

    Homeschooling and the name of your location.  You should find activities.  Take after-school classes.  Volunteer!  Make an effort and it will pay off.  Be well.

  13. ok I will

  14. maybe, you could try going out more and meet new people, they don't have to be your age you know. you could try volunteering for something you're interested in. maybe you'll meet people with the same interest. good  luck.


  15. There should be lots of sites.  We live in the U.S. and my kids are with a yahoo homeschooling group in our local area.  Your situation sounds unusual; all the homeschooled teens I know are involved with so many extracurricular activities, clubs, and lessons that they have a lot more friends than the kids I know who are in regular school.  Maybe it is different in the U.K.  Good luck!

  16. Is there a home school group nearby that you can join? If so then join it you'll get to meet lots of kids your age and some of the ones here also offer CO-OP so you can take classes you are intrested in that mom may not be able to teach (like auto-mechanics or photography)

  17. Sucks For You Man

  18. my space lots of fun.

  19. I don't think it's a good idea to gve out your e-mail address here.  Be careful about responding to anyone who answers you.  That is really unsafe.

    What are you interested in?  What do you like to do?  Are there after school activities or groups you can get invoved in?  

    This site has a teen section where you can chat with other homeschoolers.

    Sorry you're having a tough time.

  20. you'll find friends when you start working.

  21. some parents are so crule

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