
I haven't gotten my period, but didn't have so s*x so why am I late?

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I am late but haven't had s*x, so I'm not pregnant. What are other reason's I could be late?




  1. How old are you?  If you are old enough...perhaps its some sort of condition.  I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  It can contribute to irregular periods.

  2. stress? poor eating habits? are you just starting your period, so maybe your not regular yet?

    if you answered no to all of these, go get checked out, it wont hurt!

  3. Stress probably can cause all your hormones to get out of whack.  

  4. It just happens sometimes! Dont worry about it worrying can make your period not come. Also have you lost weight recently? Could be why..but don't worry happen..lmao try enjoy not having that demon for a month!  

  5. the same thing happened to me. i was late by like 2 weeks which really scared me even though i didnt have s*x in a whileeee. soo i knew i wasnt pregnant. but i realized it was because i was too stressed during the week that i was actually suppose to get my period. so the stress made it come extra late. hope i helped u.

  6. just finger that **** till it bleeds! that will help out a bunch! :):):):)

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