
I haven't gotten my period for 2 months and i don't have any pregnancy symptom's wats going on with me?

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I haven't gotten my period for 2 months and i don't have any pregnancy symptom's wats going on with me?




  1. have u taken a test? if so and it came out negative, you should still go to the doctor, to get a urine test, if your not pregnant, the doctor will give u some pills that u take for 10 days(3 times a day) for your cycle to begin. But please don't waste time, especially if you are trying to get pregnant. Last year I didn't get my period for half a year and didn't want to go to the doctor, since I thought that next month it would come and so on. good luck :) just please go to the doctor its not dangerous, but if you do want to get pregnant don't waste time :)

  2. It could simply be an irregularity in your cycle. Many women will miss a period from time to time without it being a sign of an emergency. However, if you're trying to conceive and haven't had a period, you should look into buying a pregnancy test to see if that's the cause. If you aren't pregnant and still concerned, I would visit a doctor and ask for their professional advice.

  3. your pregnant

  4. Ur probably pregnant unless you typically have an erratic period.....there's no guaranteed symptoms that come with pregnancy by the way, so just cause you dont FEEL pregnant doesnt mean you're not pregnant.  go take a test you fool.

  5. Get tested.  I had 2 light periods.  Unusual for me but thought nothing of it.  I went to my doctor for a bad back pain that would not go away.  He said it would go away on it's own but I insisted it was bad.  He sent me for an ultrasound.  Sure enough there was a heart beating.  I was 9 weeks pregnant.  I had no plan of the sort.  I certainly was not trying.  I never had the classic symptoms.  I didn't even throw up once.  I actually lost 30 pounds through out my pregnancy.  This does not mean it was easy for me either.  I had other issues.  I have no intentions of having any more kids & am in the process of making it official.  Motherhood is not easy & those that say it is such a beautiful experience are full of sh*t.  If your clear then don't think much of it.  Just be sure to plan better in the future so you don't have to go through all this stress.  The doctors wont do anything anyways.  Wait 6 months then insist they do a complete physical.  Good luck.  Hope for no surprises, lol.  

  6. pregnancy test and if not andit exceeds for more than 3months go to ur doctor

  7. I only had 4 periods one year... could be a body change.. weight gain, stress... nothing was wrong with me at all. I gained weight and was stressed out because of college.. I eventually straightened out.

    If you are sexually active, take a test. If this isn't the case, just give your body time to adjust itself.. if you skip longer than 6 months I'd go to the doc.. maybe you need birth control to help regulate you.

    Hope everything is okay!

  8. you still need to take a test if you have been sexually active. not every women gets the classic symptoms. some have all, some have none. if you havent been, then maybe its stress.

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