
I haven't had my period in TWO FREAKING MONTHS...?

by  |  earlier

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ughhhh.. I NEED HELP.

ok so i haven't had my period in two months.

i took a pregnancy test about two weeks after my first missed period but it came out negative. i took another pregnancy test two weeks after the second month i missed my period and my results are still negative. so now i'm really panicky because i don't know what's wrong with my v****a ;~;

here's my info...

- i drink ALOT of soda

- i've been sleeping around 4-6 am everyday and on school days i sleep around 2am.

- i'm 17

- i kinda throw up easily like if eat something i don't like or if i smoke a cig i throw up sometimes. lol.

-i gained a little weight but less than 10 lbs

- i don't really exercise but i exercised for the first time (like really exercise) in a long time. this was during the time i missed my first period tho.

-i stress sometimes but lately i have been keeping my emotions in check.

- i 'm kinda depressed because recently my former best friend and i stopped being friends and she was a really big part of my life.

- i smoke pot and drink almost every weekend.

-my b***s have gotten alittle bigger but they're still small

- sometimes i feel cramps like my period wants to come out but it doesn't :(

- my eating habits sucks. (junk food, meat, no eating sometimes, fastfood, barely any veggies)

uhh... that's all i can think of right now.

someone please help me! give me alittle more answers besides "see a doctor" i'll do that but i want to know my other options.





  1. change your diet and try to stop drinking and smoking pot.

    Good Luck!!

  2. i have no idea what is wrong (if anything) so really, sorry to say this but

    go see your doctor!!

    haha i know thats the last answer you wanted, but since you already took multiple pregnancy tests, you're probably not pregnant, so i guess it could be a hormone imbalance, but i don't know.

    your doctor knows you way better than anybody here on yahoo!

  3. every woman regardless of how long shes had her period is bound to be irregular sometimes. if you are seriously concerned, have a doc check it out. Diet can be a factor, as well as drinking/drugs. obviously the best option would be to change those habits but if that isnt an option, you better get yourself checked out just to on the safe side.

  4. definetly change ur diet cuz thats the problem

  5. stress less hun!

    i didnt get mine for 9 months!

    its something to do with the egg..

    i dno its hard to explain, but you got NOTHING to worry about.

    change your diet if you want, but trust me it wont make a diference to your period.

    its got nothing to do with your diet, exercise, amount of sleep or anything.. ok?

    i would know because i was really concerned and went to see a doctor.

    when it finally came i was just so happy lol.

    but seriously stress less and dont worry about a thing..

    unless you recently had s*x?

    lol, goodluck hun and take care :)

  6. Stress and diet had probably caused this

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