
I haven't received any RSVPs for my son's party this weekend? I asked guests to RSVP by today.?

by  |  earlier

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Should I cancel the party? If so, how should I notify the invitees?




  1. Take your son out to a restaurant (around the time the party was supposed to be) instead.  As an extra treat, maybe take him to a toy store and let him pick out an extra toy (if still at that age) or to some other store where he can pick out something he wants.

    If people show up and are knocking at your door and nobody is home, that is their problem.  They are the ones being rude, not you.  You do not owe them anything.

  2. Don't cancel the party. My grandson got no RSVP's on his birthday either. They bought cheap pizza and every bit of it was gone by the time the party was over. Nobody responded to the invitation, but almost everyone showed up. It's a shame that people have no more manners than to behave this way, but it seems to be the norm these days.

  3. I would start calling. Because you never know if someone tried to call or mail and it didn't go through or just didn't show up. If you pull a nasty move and cancel the party you will really end up with some enemies. You never know what may have happened with some of them. So just call and say 'I was checking my list and noticed you hadn't called yet, wanted to see if you were coming so we know how much food (or whatever) to get'. But keeping in mind they have until the end of the day today to respond. Some may have planned on answering later today? Anything is possible. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  4. People are rude, no one RSVPs like they should anymore.

    I would just pick up the phone and start calling.

  5. well... techinically you shouldn't have to notify them because as far as you know... they're not coming. the only thing you can really do without hurting feelings is 1. call them all to double check. 2. plan on everyone showing up anyways.

    I'd start calling relatives so you could at least turn it into a family thing.

    if you cancel the party then there's always going to be someone that got rubbed the wrong way for it.

  6. You should just make personal phonecalls and remind them, and ask if they're coming or not. You'll get a better response. :) I had to do this for my wedding. I had about 100 people RSVPd, and I called the other 100 and found that 50 more were coming.  

  7. Call them on the phone and definately dont cancel!!!

    NOBODY rsvp's anymore & as ignorant as it is theys notn we can do

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