
I haven't returned an answer to someone in 4 weeks, what should I say?

by  |  earlier

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I talked with someone over the phone about a service project to redo a pathway by a river for my eagle scout about 4 weeks ago but I've been caught up with so many thing I haven't actually gotten a chance to call them back about it. I don't know what I should say to the person because I'm a little embarrassed it being 4 weeks going on 5.




  1. i would have to wonder if you are really excited and behind this eagle project. that is a while to go without following up. however if you are still interested then just apologize to this person for delaying things for so long and let them know you are still interested. from what i have seen many scouts working on their eagle project tend to drag things out a bit.

  2. Begin by apologizing for the lateness of the reply but don't offer any reasons because you will just sound like you're making an alibi.

  3. You start by apoligizing and then just straight into the project that you were talking to them about.  If you start with telling them you have been so busy, they will think that you are really not interested.

  4. It's a tough one of the other fine people who answered have said, take a look at whether this is something that you really want to do. If it is, there is no easy will have to offer an apology and if you need to expand on that (explain why) you can simply say that things have been hectic lately. And if you do still think this project is something you want to be involved in, take a stroll through the area and make a note of a few things that you see would really add to the beauty or efficiency of the actual work. Make a note of them and when you talk to this person, you can give your apology and brief explanation and then launch right into something like, "But I did have the chance to do a quick survey of the area and I really think that (your first point... a natural growth of annual plants for example) the row of shrubs by the bridge will be perfect if we did a bit of trimming. It would really add to the natural beauty." Just an example but it shows the person you will be speaking to that you've used your initiative and have even taken the time to examine the area you will be working in. Most adults recognize this type of action as that of a leader. Don't sweat it, especially if you didn't give a definite date that you would respond. If it's still a project you want to be involved in, go for it! If it's not, is there something else that you could do and get the same award? Check out your options, decide what feels right and then get to it. You're going to be a stronger and wiser man for it, I guarantee. Good luck! You'll do great!

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