
I haven't slept in 4 days......!?

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I just started school this week (Monday), but ever since the first day of class I haven't been able to fall asleep. AT ALL! This has never happened to me before. I do suffer from mild anxiety and depression, and am on mediation for both (citalopram). I would say I'm relatively healthy; I eat well and exercise daily. School itself never really stresses me out, but I haven't ruled it out as a possibility to my sleeping problem. Is there a limit to the number of days one can go without sleep before they die? I'm really concerned that it'll finally catch up to me one of these days and I'll collapse and die. Are there any good medications out there you would recommend? Please help. Thank you.




  1. i dont slept for 5 days before so take it easy .....its normal...just  go run make any hard work  or  play football or basketball  or swim    be sure u will sleep...but r u sure  u dont thinking  of making s*x with a girl?

  2. You cannot die from lack of sleep....

    ...sooner or later the body cannot take any more and will shut itself down, into a coma-indused state.

    You will wake when your body has healed

    Keep eating healthy and try and do something relaxing before you go to bed.

    I say again 1 more time, you CANNOT die from lack of sleep alone. Your body will not let you.

    Just like holding your breath, you may think in your head "I could just hold my breath until i die" but this is impossible.

    Your mind and body simply will not allow you to terminate yourself in this manner.

  3. You should go to the doctor, you might just have a bout of insomnia, but yes, you can die if you don't sleep for a certain period of time.

  4. Go to the doctor and see if they can help.  Constant perverted thoughts might be a problem.  Also, do you have any addictions?  Maybe your mind is thinking about it and not allowing you to sleep.

  5. You are not alone! I've gone without sleep for a total of 3 nights now. I feel tired, very emotional, like a walking zombie. I've experienced anxiety and panic attack the last few weeks or so for which I've received some treatment (cognitive behavioural) and really helped my cope with the anxiety/panic attacks. I thought all was well until, suddenly I'm now struggling with total insomnia! I think the insomnia might be as a result of fearing the inability to fall asleep, keeping me awake thinking about it all night long. I've tried some ProZen, but no luck.I'm not on any other medication - yet.

    I've been to the pharmacy for some Simnol sleeping pills, however, reluctant to take them as I'm not keen on using sleeping meds - out of fear for becoming dependant on them (although after 3 nights no sleep, seriously considering it!!!)

    I hope by body will just take over and let me sleep when it's ready. After all, how long can anyone go without sleep? Worrying about it all day long won't help either.

    Has anyone have some advice for me about this? I've always been a very good sleeper. Just lately, feeling like I'm unable to control my thoughts when going to bed. Thinking about NOT being able to fall aSLEEP all the time...


  6. that happened to me alot. it was so often i finally saw my doctor and he gave me a sleep aid. this has help me so much.  

  7. Don't drive!  Driving sleepy is worse than driving drunk!!

    Get to a doctor....but have someone take you!

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