
I haven't talk to this man in 15years and now he say that hes my father what should i do

by  |  earlier

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he claim that hes my father but im not sure.should i talk to him or what?




  1. If you are missing your father for 15 years then he must be your father, but confirmed it to your mother.

  2. Why wouldn't you talk to him?  Is he asking you for something, or does he just want to talk?  There's no harm in talking to him. I believe that most of the main characters in our lives, are in our lives for a reason.  He could be a valuable person to you.  It's okay to be suspicious and untrusting of him at first, but give him a chance at least

  3. Ask  for  a  DNA  sample.

  4. Time to give Maury a call.

  5. if he insist of been your father take a DNA test and if he is your father he owes you child support, collect your money , be straight and ask him where his been all this time, why know, and take advantage of fatherhoodd get everything you need, he owes you that much.

  6. to you mother and ask her...and also ..if no mom around..well..ask him for both of you to go take the DNA  exam and find out....that is the only way I see it ..''you accepting it".

  7. If you're not sure that he's your father,you can make him do DNA test with you and that's the only way you can find out:)...good luck..

  8. Where's he been for the last 15 years?  Why has there been no contact?  I think you need to know the answers to those questions before you move any further with this or make any decisions.

  9. I don't know if he's your father but I will tell you this... I didn't know my father either. When I was about 9 i met a man who told me he was my father. I was rude to him and never saw him again. When I turned 15 my father died... I'm older now graduated, married, two boys. But I look back and wonder if things could have been different. We missed out on so many things because I made a chioce that i thought was right... I regret not taking the time to give him a chance. Now is your chance... Whats your chioce?

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