
I haven't thrown up since first grade. [ in seventh now] Is something wrong with me??

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I mean don't get me wrong. I HATE throwing up. But is there something wrong with me? I mean I'm thirteen and I haven't vomited since I was seven. Does that seem a little strange too any of you? Whats wrong with me?

BTW- for all you wise guys out there. THIS IS NO JOKE.

Thanks in advance =]




  1. You are so lucky, I arf at the thought of grossness.

    Chances are that you haven't had any stomach flue, eaten any bad food, or injested something that disagrees with you in a long time.

    Thanks for the fun question, I love these.

  2. Not weird at all. This just means you've been healthy. I'm basically in the same boat. Last time I threw up was when I was 10 with a bad case of the flu. If anything your lucky!

  3. Nothings wrong with you.

    Its called being HEALTHY hun.

  4. i wouldn't complain maybe u just hav a really good digestive system

  5. OMGGG this is so weird.

    But, same here! Oonly.. mine's worse.

    I'm 15 & haven't thrown up since I was 7.. I hate it too but, I dunno I've been told I'm weird

  6. Think you are sick as in flu or cold

  7. if you have had intercourse you might be pregnant, talk to a doctor even if you haven't there could be something wrong with your stomach its self

  8. No, you're fine...consider yourself lucky & blessed.   I am not a "puker" either...but alot of pp i know are-i prob throw up like once every two or three years at the most.  Some pp throw up like every couple months.  You must have a good immune system and a strong stomach. :)   Be glad-it's just you're healthy that's all!!  :)

  9. maybe! And are you single.

  10. i havnt thrown up since i was eight its been five years and im fine i guess your just pretty darn healthy!

  11. no, u are just lucky.

  12. it means ur healthy i should now.. im a girl doctor in places u dont wanna know

  13. you're just healthy and hella lucky. last time i threw up was last year, it looked like oatmeal...i had no oatmeal that entire week...

  14. .....oook

  15. NO! It means you're healthy!

  16. I din't throw up as much as a child. Then the day before I got my first period I was puking my guts out. It could be hormonal. Also in high school I threw up a lot too (either from cramp pain or stress). I trust you don't have bulimia. It is probally something physiological.

  17. maybe you're just healthy..and havent gotten that sick to the point of puking...

  18. Guess you haven't been sick enough to throw up... I wish I had your problem!!

  19. Nope, it's just a weird thing. Of all the people who throw up a lot, there has to be someone who never does it. :)

    Be happy. lol.

  20. not really

  21. NO!!! I threw up about a month ago and that was the first time I threw up in 30 years!!! So there's nothing wrong with you--just means you're healthy!

  22. if the other 13 year olds you know are throwing up, they either have an eating disorder, need to cook their ground beef or wash their hands a little better, are pregnant, or are extremely unlucky in picking up stomach viruses.  

    i could count on one hand the number of times i had stomach illnesses before i was pregnant at 29.

  23. it is not natural to throw up. if you get sick it usually means you ate too much or you ate something that you were not suppose to.

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