
I haven't washed the inside of my p***s in like a year

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s my p***s ok or infected?

I am uncircumsized and for at least a year, I have not pulled down my f******n to wash my p***s inside because I am afraid it hurts and I get an easy sensation. I have tried it before but it hurts when water rains down the head. Because I did not wash the inside in a long time, does that mean I'm infected or something?




  1. sounds like you have phimomis and can't retract the f******n of your p***s.  Yep, sounds like you need the doctor to get a circumsion.

  2. Go see a doctor and get circumcised! It will cure all your problems! There is no downside and one thing is you will be clean! How can anyone tell you that you have no infection? Your best bet is go see a doctor, although I would wash it before hand!

  3. You could be. Use cotton swabs and clean that sucker out!!

  4. try to pull it back; try using a finger if possible to put some baby oil or some other slippery stuff- shampoo can help; go slowly pulling the skin to expse the head,there will be some discomfort (one year) but go slowly and let the warm water fall over your p***s; as you pull the skin  slowly the head or tip of the p***s will be exposed; once you have the tip or "head" exposed you will see the ridge of it and the shaft behind the head the smeackma(the white cheese-like stuff) will be present, it will most likely smell foul so wash slowly with (shampoo or other stuff) even if your p***s is sensitive (you might get an erection ) slowly wash it all clean, leather it with shampoo to cover it all up an continue washing; the f******n must be held back with the other hand, you should try to hold the skin back to help it adjust (by this time yu will most likely will have an erection) once you have cleaned the head off let the skin cover it again; now do the same--slowly pull the f******n back and holding it let go and pull the skin once more remember that you want the head to be exposed everytime you pull back; do this for several minutes and do this everytime you shower.  Keep the water warm so the head will not get so sensitive.    

  5. yes it means your infe cted

  6. okay that is past nasty. You need to go get circumcised!! If a guy is willing to keep it clean uncircumcised is still nasty and makes you more open to infections, phimosis, STD's and more . You arent willing to keep it clean so go get it cut before something bad happens to your most valued body part.

  7. Dude - I would so go to the Dr. or buck up and pull that skin back and clean away!

    Good Luck!!

  8. First of all...   ewwwwww, second, you are never getting laid with a stinky thang... so was it.  It may hurt at first, but soap and water is your friend...  

  9. ...and that is why circumsized > uncircumsized

    Oh, and let me add...ewwwww

  10. It depends how old you are, before puberty the f******n is fused to the head of the p***s so its almost imposible to wash, and theres not much you can do but was as far down as you can. I'd say as long as your not over 14 it should be ok, and that it will eventually detatch.

    You should try and pull it back, pulling it furthur each day, if you have started puberty.

    Also don't go to a doctor if you live in america as they will just mutilate (circumcise) you.

  11. It is NOT safe to not wash the head.  You don't have to have the shower hit it -- pull it back, wash with gentle soap, cup your hands, get water, and rinse it off.  It's easy.

    It doesn't mean you are infected, but its not good for you.

    Kind thoughts,


    PS To the people who feel it necessary to attack a kid who trusted us enough to ask a delicate question.  Blow it out your ear -- leave him alone.  There is nothing wrong with him and he trusted you.  You people disgust me.

  12. it doesn't mean you're infected;  it just means you're not clean under there.  I don't know any girl or guy who would want your p***s;  it's gotta smell.

    Yes, it's gonna hurt some when you first get the f******n pulled back.  But, that's not a good excuse for bad hygiene.  Take some baby oil and put some on your finger tip.  Pull back the f******n and rub some of the baby oil on to the glans.  Do this a few times, and it will get used to something touching it.  

    And you can't just let water run over the exposed glans and f******n;  you have to use soap and water to get the smegma off.

    If you want s*x, you've got to start practicing good hygiene.

  13. it does not mean you have an infection, but you do need to wash it, it will not be pleasant at first because you have not done so in such a long time

    take care of your p***s dude, don't take being intact for granted, I would love to have a natural f******n

  14. urrrrrrrrrrrr gross!!!!!!!!!

    your supposed to do it daily!!

  15. that's disgusting. Oh... my God.

    You do realize that complete strangers read this


    Stay away!!

  17. Man G....that's bad. You should wash it though. There's a possibility that there could be harmful bacteria but i't highly unprobable that there's a disease. It won't hurt to wash it.  

  18. ok if you dose not wash your body and you well get in infected and then go see the doctor  he well give you some med that well cler the prombel right a way

  19. NASTY!!!!

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