
I havent ate in 3 days and i still feel fat?

by  |  earlier

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i havent ate in 3 days and i feel fat like i need to start eating healthy and staying away from all this junk food i have been eating so many greasy foods so i wanted to clean my system out for 3 days and just drink orange juice (freshely squize myself) and stuff and then i look at my stomach and its big! This house always has greasy foods and i hate it!!!!!




  1. its not good to fast for too long. just try to eat less and exercise

  2. you cant just loose weight in 3 days. if you all of a sudden stop eating like that, your belly might even get bloated. it takes time, and also, dont fast for too long it can be very unhealthy. the lifestyle you are in might not be the best. and if its not, then go out and get food thats healthy for your house. good luck!

  3. Not eating is the worst thing you can do to try to loose weight...Out bodies are amazing machines and will do just about anything you ask of it, but it has to be done body senses you're intake has slowed of will start to conserve what you do have, thus no weight loss. Healthy, small portions will work..I've lost 15 lbs in eight weeks an I was eating seven times a day...of course my workout routine was intense, but it's all about the diet. Don't starve is fuel for the body and your immune system suffers the most...if you were to catch a cold it's going to hit you hard...immune system up (with proper food) you may not even get a cold...

  4. You dont like the food that comes into the house, so, ask the one that buys the food to start buying healthy food, tell her that you want everyone to start eating food that is good for them, fatty food is bad for everybody , it causes a lot of health issues, so you be the leader in proper food selections, just tell them that you want them to live longer, and thats the truth, high cholesterol is one of the leading  problems with heart deaths every year,it clogs up the veins and arteriesso the blood cant get through to the heart also it will cause clots in your heart and kill you.start eating chicken breast and lean pork and a lot of vegetables and fruits, use ground turkey in speghetti and chilli there is a lot of great recipies for healthy living. look up they got all kinds of great good recipies . good luck. April

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