
I havent got my period yet still waiting took three pregnancy test they all say negative but i feel pregnant?

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I havent got my period yet still waiting took three pregnancy test they all say negative but i feel pregnant?




  1. go to the doctor.

  2. have you had any major changes in your life are you stressed about anything because all these factors can change your cycle also sometimes our cycle just changes over on its own so when you know you were suppose to start this time and it turned out to not come so just give it sometime and they always say the first morning pee is always the best to use because that's when your hormones levels are really high but you can get a blood test don't to see if you are i wish you all the best and here is so much baby dust your way.

  3. Maybe cuz u think ur prego, ur body is acting like so. go to a clinic and get a blood test  

  4. Either you took the test too early or you're stressing so badly that your period is continuing to be delayed. So, calm down, and if no period, then take another test later.

  5. Call your doctor.

  6. For some people it took them several weeks after their missed period for a positive pregnancy test. It depends on how late you are? If you're only a few days I'd say wait a few more and if it doesn't start after a week then go to the dr and get a blood test/ultra sound (dont expect to see much, probably just an empty g-sac at this point!) My friend's positve didn't show up until she was two weeks late. Sometimes people's bodies take longer to give off enough hcg to get a positive! Good luck!

  7. get a blood test, or have a doctor check you who-who!

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