
I havent had a boyfriend, and im thirteen.

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is that bad?




  1. Thats okay, your young don't worry about  this.

  2. its all good u dont have to rush but around that time ppl start to get annoying cuz the got the gf and bf and u dont got no one and it p**s u of but if u want u can but then again u guys can really do anything cuz ur parents might be strict on dating and they wont let u do ANYTHING! and u really need to drive to actualy go on a date cuz it well look bad to see ur mom drop u off and then pic u up

  3. Age has nothing to do with it.

    When you find the right boy for you then you will have a boy frien and all the joys and problems that goes with being in a relationship with another person.

    Take your time and talk to the different boys that you kind of like and you might find outthat that boy friend has come along sooner than you thought.

  4. I was 18 when I got my first boyfriend; in fact, a lot of my friends didn't have boyfriends until even later.  13 is actually quite young to have a boyfriend, in my opinion.  You can't drive yet, so you can't even go on an actual date without one of your parents driving.

  5. no

    you're still young so you have a lot of time

    and i don't think you should be worrying about that

    you might not have found the right person  

  6. ok so i'm 13 and  alot of my friends have bf's and i dont! yes it's super annoying to her them brag about there hotties but i mean come on all the hotties are intimidated because we r SO gorgeous!! lol  

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