
I havent had a period from april please help

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i haven't had a period from april ive been to the doctors and am not pregnant but me and my partner at trying at the minute for a baby and it just so stressing that i don't no when i can be ovulation or when is the best we should be doing it i don't have a clue how the whole ovulation kit works so could someone please help me a few days in july i had a few days off spotting wouldn't even call that a period cause it was so light and only when i wiped there was blood




  1. maybe its because your stressed out, try relaxing, maybe take a holiday or something. you sound very stressed.  

  2. My dear...."Lil-Mizz"...

    So you just came back from a should be relaxed & NOT "stressed" anymore... HMMMM...all else I can think of is...-Are you maybe real "skinny"??? I mean : underweight ??? That could be the only "other" reason, why you don't become a "regular" period, honey !

    Don't worry soooo much about : when you're ovulating...Just be at ease and..."keep practicing" ! AND...rememver : "All GOOD things take their time" !!! So...when you least expect it, you'll find out...that you  ARE  pregnant & you'll be overjoyed!!!

    I wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & concern..... Annette***

  3. I had similar periods to this about 1 year ago and had to go into hospital for a d&c and a lasa (can't spell the rest your doctor will know) we have been trying to concieve for about 1 year 3 months and i must say after my op in Jan my period have gone back to normal and i can now tell about 3 days before i even ovulate. Go to your doctor and ask for help that is what they are there for, your GP will be the best person to advise. Try not to just leave it and worry like i did the sooner you have this blip sorted the sooner you can have your bundle of joy!!!

    Good luck and let me know how you go!

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