
I havent had my period in like 45 days and i think i had a uti could that be the cause of no period?

by  |  earlier

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ive also been exsperincing abdomonal pains and lots of gas can someone help me out




  1. Stress, illness, medication & weight changes can affect your hormones, thus changing your cycle. Have you lost a lot of weight lately, this can halt your cycle completely...if you are underweight.

    Otherwise, I would have a check up with your doc., an untreated UTI can be very dangerous.

  2. Are you sexually active? If so, you could be pregnant! Go get a home pregnancy test to see or go to a free clinic to get a blood test done!

    A UTI mighttttt delay your period. It's not too likely though. If you do have a UTI, you must go to the doctor as soon as possible so you can get medicine inorder to cure it. The longer the UTI is gone without treatment, the more painful it will become!

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