
I havent had s*x before?

by Guest63376  |  earlier

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all my friends have had s*x and done loads of things with boys. i havent even done anything with a boy, only kissed.

im not a fridge (scared of doing stuff) but the other day my friend said thats the impression i give people.

i havent found any boy i like, so ive never really had a relationship.

im 14 years old and want to have s*x but i dont want to do it with any of my friends (boys) because i have a mole around my v****a (im NOT getting it removed!) and i dont want the boy to tell loads of people after so they can laugh at me.

do you think having a mole on v****a is a problem? should i be self conscious of it? or should it not bother me?

and what do i do when my friends say i give the impression i am fridge because i havent done anything with a boy.

and what do i say to a boy about my mole?

please help.




  1. dont worry about s*x at your age its no biggy waiting is your best bet but if you must find the right guy some you trust if not you are going to have a lot of problems and dont worry about other people what they think if they say you need to have s*x to fit in you need to find a new group of freinds so good luck and keep it safe

  2. okay, please please please take my advice. do NOT have s*x until you are totally ready. just because your friends are doing it does not make it ANY more right. dont let them pressure you into yet. you'll do it when your ready. if they say oh come on your a chicken just say oh come on your a s**t. lol ;] seriously there is always a chance you could get pregnant. wait to have s*x until your ready!

  3. relax, you are young, i had my first kiss at the age of 14 or 15. don`t listen what ppl say about you , they all just mean. and i consider little bitc*es the young girls who have s3x so early because they really don`t know what they are doing.

    forget about what your friend say ! you do it when you are ready. its no shame at all !!

    the mole, no problem , i`m sure a lot of guys will consider it really s**y. trust me its no problem. just enjoy your life and be happy, the moment will come

  4. Your to young to be having s*x. You should wait until you are completely ready to do that, and when you are actually ready for the consequences from s*x, like std's or pregnancy. fourteen is wayyyyy to young to be doing anything like that. Find yourself a guy that is willing to wait until you are completely ready. trust me if you do it to soon you'll regret it later. THink before you do anything.

  5. Your 14 don't worry about it wait as long as possible

  6. wtf you're just 14.

    either you are suffering from peer pressure OR


  7. i think you're being WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too self-conscious.

    You're 14, you shouldnt be having s*x at this age, even if all your friends do it, it still doesnt make it right.

    You feel left out cuz you're the only one who has your virginity, and lemme tell ya, i am SHOCKED, that you're ashamed of that.

    as of the mole, WTFF?

    if any guy would have a problem with that, then he just wants you for s*x.

    not for love.

  8. Why are you so crazy to have s*x at 14. Do you know your organs are not even full mature to have s*x full s*x at this age. If you have so much urge, its better to cool yourself down by oral s*x only.

    Please concentrate in your studies and do not be misguided by friends, who may be  just interested to know your liking & intention.

    As per Hindu Mythology, a mole in v****a & b***s makes a girl more s**y with good capacity.... Don't laugh.... It is true.


  9. ok so just pretend it's not there and see what happens if the boy asks about or has a disgusted face just put your clothes back on and tell the  boy to leave

  10. u shud neva do sumthn as big as s*x jst bcuz of wat ur friends hav done. ur stil reali yung nd u shud wait til u find a lad wu loves u for u nd wnt care dat u hav a mole. personaly i tink at 14 u shudn b worrying about s*x.

    dont do anything til ur readi  

  11. Don't waste your first time when you are so young. Don't do it just because your friends are. When you find the right guy he won't care about your mole. I'm not trying to be preachy but just don't waste it on some loser. s*x isn't for fun, s*x is because you love the person. s*x can lead to many things so make sure you are 100 percent ready.

  12. i wouldn't worry. stay focused on your education. You are very smart to realize that you don't want to do it with anyone. You should just wait. I waited till i was in love and we got married and have been for 6yrs. Dont worry about your mole. if he really loves you, and you should only have s*x for love, he won't care about it

  13. Don't have s*x.You are too young for it but everyone tries to have s*x at this age.when you feel like having s*x u can watch a p**n movie so that u will feel a bit relaxed or satisfied.Mail me at I'll send u some movies and see if I can help you in anyother way.

  14. Your 14 you have a life ahead of you.

    Wait to have s*x.

    Have you thought about the consequences????

    Like pregnancy?




    dont do it

  15. ur juss 14....n u imagine of s*x now??? u even hav any idea abt wat s*x is????..........well dear if u want something gud in ur life.....@least wait till u r 18.........i hope u understand wat i say...........

         n abt the mole dont worry abt it........grow up......u ll c changes...n if it doesnt......den consult a dr..................

  16. well,talking about s*x,this is the easiest way to look cool.u are just 14 and u shouldn't do such things.tell ur friends that u are not cheap n waiting for the right guy.u can also lie to look cool.  

  17. Just because your friends have had s*x that young doesnt mean that you should too. If your friends were to burn down a house- would you do it? There's no need to impress them or anything...just tell them that you think you're too young. And when the time's right you'll go for it.

    And you might wanna go see your doctor about that mole. Just incase.

    PS There's no need to tell anything that personal to a boy, even if you are best of friends.

  18. First, you're 14 you shouldnt be having s*x!

    It sounds like the only reason you wanna have s*x is because all your friends are. You should want to have s*x because you're in a stable relationship and love that boy.

    And about the mole, i wouldnt say anything if this boy loves you then he wouldnt say to anyone about the mole.


  19. What you're 14 for the love of God.  Do your studies and don't let anyone--and I mean anyone under peer pressure get you to do something you are not ready for--whether you want to or not.

    When your friends say to you you give off the "air of a fridge"--tell them what you just said--you haven't met anyone yet..You really don't have to do what they are doing--or say they are doing hun.  Think girl--and be safe.

    Finally--see a doctor if the mole is a concern--ask him or her for advice.

  20. um... u should only hav s*x w/ the right person, the right person wouldn't give a **** about ur mole...

    don't hav s*x with ne1 and if u get in2 a serious relationship hold it off until ur sure it's serious and u can trust the guy...

    also tell ur friends that when ur 20 or wutever u'll hav atleast only slept w/ one guy, while they hav a ****** list...

    tell them u hav a lil self-respect n' aren't gonna b sum loose *** **** by 16

  21. DO NOT HAVE s*x for just the "get it over with" excuse.

    You can wait until you are older.  Much older.  

    If you think that a mole is going to be a problem, just wait and find somebody that will not judge you for your physical appearance.  There are going to be a lot of boys and men that will idolize the ground you walk on.

    Good Luck  

  22. no and 14 is way to young for you to be doing anything seious with guys just try to forget what they say dont let it bother you

  23. i think you are WAY to young to be even be thinking about having s*x! and you shouldn't do something just because all your friends have. i think you need to talk to an adult your mam or an older sister or someone.

  24. Wait until you find someone mature, and you won't be afraid of him telling everyone.

    It might mean you have to wait a few years, until the boys "ripen".. they seem to have a real problem with maturity these days.

  25. seriously your friends are really mean, and big s***s at 14 you should be proud you've kissed a guy. plus People who are 15 are considered really young to be having it, and your a whole year younger  

  26. Honey, you're 14! Slow down! You have all your life to have s*x. Just because they're having s*x with boys they "love" and have only known for some time. Don't pressure yourself into it because God forbid, a condom breaks, or you can get pregnant or something. And I think you're doing the right thing by not having s*x with just any boy. Wait for it to be someone you like and make it special. Having s*x isn't cool just to have s*x.

  27. Don't have s*x because your friends do, and don't do it because you think you're behind everyone else.  When you get a little older you'll realize how stupid that kind of thinking is.  Have s*x when you feel like YOU want to, when you meet someone worth doing it with.

    And as far as the mole, what are you worrying about?  It's just a mole!  It makes you unique, for one thing.  And sh*i* could be pretty s**y!

  28. Hi,

    Nothing is wronge. You are too young to have s*x. Wait for at least 4 years. Moles around genital area are not the problem. They as good as they are on the other part of body.

    Enjoy Life

  29. you kids are so fast nowadays but try to remember you have plenty of time to be an adult trust me please enjoy being a kid while you still can because you only get older not younger dont give your innocents away already wait till your 17 18 at least or married and then you wont even have to worry about someone joking about a flaw you have you will be mature and hopefully with a mature man who loves and cares about you no matter what  thats who you want to loose your virginity to.  good luck sweetie  

  30. Though you are too young to enjoy s*x other than oral I assure you that your mole around the v****a indicates that you are more s**y than your friends who have already done with it.So take care of yourself.

  31. your toooooo young! your friends are s***s. tell them that you just want to wait until your married or it's your religion or something to get them off your back. you realize everyone will know your problem if you tell even just one boy. i think someone might also think you have a std. i know young people have feelings like that too but you'll really regret it someday if you start having s*x now.

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