
I havent seen my daughter for 6 years..she lives with her grandmother..whom i dont get along with

by  |  earlier

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i had my daughter when i was very young well 16 actually i got kicked out of where i was living and some total strangers where trying to go custody of my daughter. at the the i had no where to live so i asked my mum to help and she did, she got custody of my daughter.. i was able to see my daughter for a while each week but now i havent seen her for 6 years because my mum wont let me i really dont know what to do.. someone please HELP




  1. Wow...I'm one the exact opposite of that situation!! I haven't seen my mom in 9yrs...and I live with her mom who she doesn't get along mom had me when she was 16 you ever get to talk to your daughter?? Why don't you hire a lawyer or something...make sure that your daughter knows that you're trying to see her...Idk how but at least make sure that she knows...I hope everything goes well for you...try talkin it over with your mom...let her know that you are capable of taking care of your daughter now...but do it slowly...first ask for a couple of visits then progress slowly...I wish you all the best of luck!!!

  2. You must have done something wrong if she won't let you see your daughter. Why haven't you tried to see her for six years? I guess there

    is more to this story.

    Call your mom and tell her you want to see your daughter. That would be the place to start.  

  3. Why do you just call your Mother to talk to your daughter? Why haven't you gone to your Mother's house to see your Mom and child. If you want to be in your childs life, then you will have to go through the courts.  

  4. your daughter would be getting older too,she will be at a age where she would understand what is happening around was lucky your own mother has cared for her.being a mum to three grown daughter's i think your mum should let you see your is to short and you only ever have one mother,so go to her,show her that you do care and she may take you back into life  with your daughter.

  5. Your over 18 now.

    You are more mature and have rights to see her!

    Get a lawyer. && not all are expensive. there are some that work for free, to help the community!


    and email to tell me how things go.

  6. personally i think there is a lot more to this story than  you are telling.  you have not seen your child for 6 years? there is something definitely wrong with you!!!  any parent worth a d**n would have been to court long ago to be able to see their child.

    if you still want to play at being a mom bad enough you will go out and hire a good lawyer tomorrow!!!

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