
I havn't noticed a moon for 5 days or more now has anyone else seen it ive been looking on a clear night.?

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the moon seems to have vanished its been nearly a week and even on the clearest of nights its still not there. Can anyone please confirm whether they can see it i live in Ramsey cambs and there has been nothing for nearly a week




  1. It's there, but it is in to it's final quarter, and getting less each night.  It also gets later each night.

    It will be into the 'New Moon' phase later this week, and will be a full moon fourteen days after the new moon.

  2. hi! i live local to peterborough and have also noticed this!!!! would also like to know!! someone please help as im freaked out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I saw the Moon this morning. It rose a few hours before the Sun and was high overhead mid morning. It is always moving to different parts of the sky and changing phase as it orbits Earth. You really have to be on your toes to keep track of it.  

  4. You need to stay UP later!

    Moon rise 1:04AM

    Moon set 4:19PM

    Central USA time-zone

  5. comes up about 2:30 am , i've been observing it

  6. You need to stay up later to see the moon this week. It's getting close to a new moon, and that means it rises a bit before the sun. At new moon, it will rise with the sun. At full moon, it rises at sunset.

  7. i have this letter i found on my bed

    Dear Earth

    I have been orbiting you for the past 16 billion years.

    Gone on vacation

    Moon xxxxxxx

  8. The moon orbits the Earth in about 28 days - since we only see the moon when the sunlit side is facing us, there are several days each month (called "new moon") when the moon isn't visible in the sky.

    New moon is on Aug 30, so the moon right now is a waning gibbous (not much more than a crescent) and it rises before sunrise, so you would have to get up around 5:00 in the morning to see it.

    Happens every month.

    This site shows the phases of the moon if you want to track them:

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