
I hear about people who get so sick that they can't eat and wind up losing weight. Is this possible?

by  |  earlier

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And if so, how long does it take for the body to snap out of "starvation" mode (from not being fed for so long) and begin to drop the pounds?




  1. yh when ever i am sick i dont want to eat... i start to eat when i feel better

  2. yes

  3. I've had this week long fever once.

    I got this look from my mom and says I've gotten thinner.

    I look at myself, and I did!

    But I didn't lose a lot of weight. Thank goodness for that.

    One tends to lose their appetite when they're very sick.  

  4. ummmmm IT'S POSSIBLE BECAUSE THEY AREN'T EATING DUH. how do you think anorexic people lose weight so quickly?

  5. Im not sure how long it takes, but I was sick a few months ago that I couldnt eat more than 2 or 3 crackers a day and a few sips of water. I vomited to the pointof dry heaves, and basically what didnt come up, came down like water (gross I know) .. after about 2 weeks I finally got better, but my jeans fit looser afterwards, and I physically *felt* lighter. After about a month, I felt like my old self and size again. Im pretty sure weight lost while ill comes back eventually.

  6. if they are sick, so sick they are starving, then hopefully the human brain's instincts kick in and they suddenly do anything for food.

    but, if you are trying to get someone back to eating, DO NOT just give them food, start them off slow with sugar water, then things like peanut butter, because if its been too long, then the stomachs will be overloaded when all the food comes and that will cause health problems

  7. Yes it is possible, but remember losing weight is one thing as it is more important to lose fat and gain muscle. Being sick for a long time and not eating could cost you some tone muscle thus losing weight. So its possible but not healthy.  

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