
I hear many people make the statement that it is time we have a black American as President.?

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That might be true. One thing to consider, all of you who are willing to vote for Obama purely because he is black. Wouldn't it be better if the first black president had the core values, convictions, and experience to be a GREAT president??...Obama has never run a business...his days in the senate are numbered in days...he has never been an executive of a state...he has NO experience. If he, being the first black to be president is a total failure, won't that set any other black candidate back..even one such as JC Watts..Colin Powell, or Michael Steele who WOULD be great leaders...Why are you taking the chance of ruining everything for THOSE great Americans on this inexperienced, egotistical candidate??




  1. I vote for your excellent expanded explanation as the best answer to the question you posed.

  2. People are looking for a change that will make America great again and anyone will just about fit that mold but look what theyve accoplished with Africa. American people have to figure out at what cost are we willing to give for a change that wont be there. God help us as Allah wont

  3. how about ,it's time to have a good president.

  4. JC Watts or Colin Powell would certainly be a better candidate than either party has to offer this time around.

  5. you are right.

    smart republicans will either vote for more republicans in the house and senate along with McCain or, they can let the democrat congress and Obama make the next four years a 2nd term carter admin. only 10 times worse.

  6. People that think we should have a black president are just as ridiculous to think we should have a woman president just because women make up a bigger part of the population then blacks, or any other minority for that matter.  

  7. Just like many people said that it is time to elect a woman. Why did they pick Clinton to take that spot? One of the husband-wife team of the most corrupt, power-hungry people in government today.

    There are many truly great black Americans. This half-black, corrupt Chicago-area political snake is not one of them.

    What are the Democrats thinking???

  8. Race should not matter. PERIOD!

  9. Wow.

    I totally agree with you.

    100% compleatley.

    we should not have the first black president be a failure.

  10. It's not his skin color that makes me vote for him is his democratic platform.  

  11. There already has been a black president:

    <-----------seriously though ========>

    There is no time like the present to support a candidate who can  authenticate this: the racial question need not be asked again.  " longer be judged by the color of ones skin, but by the content of their character."  MLK

  12. Yes, it is time.  Who cares if someone else is more experienced and better qualified.  Affirmative action at it's best.

  13. Why vote for Obama, he is half black anyway. Lets vote for senile, brain damaged, suicidal warmongering incompetent degenerate McCain who if elected without any shadow of a doubt will start an Armageddon.

  14. I have nothing against having a black president, but he's got to have the "stuff" to go along with it.  First and foremost...experience!  I was hoping Colin Powell would run.

  15. The two ideas are not mutually exclusive...

    I like the idea of a Black president and I also agree with MOST of Obama's policies outlined on his website...

    He falls a little short on Universal Healthcare (compared to Hillary) but he's still miles ahead of McCain on everything...

  16. I wish Dr. Condoleezza Rice would run for president.. Then we could get both the woman and black person at the same time. Not only that but someone with a mountain of knowledge and experience.

  17. Meaning its time for a Black Republican president right?


  18. Well,I'm not supporting Obama because he's black.I'm supporting him because I agree with most of his policies

    I think the people who make those statements feel it's okay to say that because he happens to be a Democratic candidate,and Democrats are favored to win this year.They feel that it's a given that he will be a good candidate, and the fact he's black is just the cherry on top

    I think if he was a Republican,they wouldn't be so open to saying that

    I just think voting for or against a candidate because of race,religion,and gender is wrong

    @ mkimkilop, black people usually vote for the Democratic candidate 90% or higher.You're statement would've made much more sense during the primaries.It doesn't now

  19. Dude, you should say we should have a Black conservative as the first Black President.  That is what your examples are.  The rest of your tirade is foolish since Bush had no real experience. (I'm a Texan and I know the governorship is a virtual figurehead position.)  Be more honest in your exhortations.  Intellectual dishonesty isn't very appealing.

  20. We can always paint the right person for President black. Obama is not the right person. Someone with honor and love of Country should be our Leader, no matter what color they are, but NOT, ESPECIALLY NOT, when there is a QUESTION, as to his love of America...with Obama, there is more than a Question, there is fact.

    "I will not wear that pin on my chest"-Barack Obama refusing to wear the American Flag pin.,2933,2994...

    Obama won't put his hand on his heart or sing the National Anthem:

  21. It is merely a liberal fad. Kinda like having the latest and greatest hybrid, until you realize that it doesn't perform as it should, and the tried and true model is much better....

  22. Isn't it interesting what some people use as criteria for the office of the president.  It's time to elect a black person; it's time to elect a woman!  Really!  Is that all it takes?  As long as you are the right color, or the right s*x?

    What about loyalty to the Constitution?  What about a commitment to restoring our freedoms?  How about, keeping us out of unnecessary wars?  Or maybe a return to honest money?

    Where do people get off saying that we need to elect a person of a certain color or a member of a certain s*x?  What's wrong with people like this?  Do you think they should be allowed to vote?

    Incidentally, Obama is only half black, so he doesn't count.  Besides, he has violated the oath he took to support and defend the Constitution, so he is not qualified to be president.  The same is true for John McCain.

  23. Obama would make even ol' Carter look good by comparison

    This unknown from Illinois has way too many issues that get swept under the rug by the news media led by Soros.. I cannot see voting for a guy simply because he is black when there are this many shady connections and unanswered questions.......questions that should have been addressed long ago and would have if not for the cover-ups.

  24. I don't know anyone who is voting for Obama solely because he is black.  They are all democrats and would vote for Obama regardless, it's just an added bonus that he's also black.  I think it's about time we had something other than an white man, but if I had a choice between a white democrat and a black republican i would still vote for the democrat.

  25. what you say is true but the obama bots will never believe it

  26. All it's time for is a good president, one who looks out and puts the people of this nation first in their priorities.  Black, White, Green, Purple doesn't matter, a good president wouldn't divide the nation into that anyway, they would force us to acknowledge our shared histories (and that includes the shared history with Mexico).  Come up with sound solutions for our issues, and move forward to the future stronger then we were in the past.  The more I read, the more it seems to me that McCain can't do this, and for me the jury is still out on Obama.  I don't think anyone in recent history has run for president of a major party for the sole reason of making our country better though, and that bothers me greatly.

  27. Ya I no I mean all these people espacly blacks are ony votying for him because he's black I mean if they actuly looked at the issues they would want him gone....

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