
I hear old jug ears is buying up all the farms next to his highgrove estate, Who's paying for that?

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I hear old jug ears is buying up all the farms next to his highgrove estate, Who's paying for that?




  1. David Beckhams perhaps? He's buying quality neighbours in the U.S.A.

  2. Hi Cretin, still trolling I see.

  3. The Duchy of Cornwall, the Prince of Wales derives all his income form the Duchy not the Civil List, it's a fairly profitable entity.

  4. In the final analysis it's you, the 'little people' of Britain. Nothing changes, just the PR spin.

  5. The Duke of cornwall estate is purchasing the land available next to the cornwall estate as erosion has claimed land (HRH Estate)to the ocean and HRH has to replace it with the ajacent land. HRH is wealthy and pays out of his own pocket the purchase of real Estate in HRH name.

    so I hope this answers your ?

  6. This article says that Charles is paying for the property.  Notice the reasons for the purchase.

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