
I hear people say things about how when you run you get REALLY tired and then all the sudden your not?

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How come that never happens to me? Am I just not trying hard enough or something? I've been running for a couple months now, I can do 2 miles in 20 min when I used to not even be able to run 1. What am I doing wrong? I just get really tired physically and mentally and it stays like that.




  1. I think you have to run longer to be honest. You might be hearing the distance runners talk about that, it's amazing!

    For me, personally, after 2 miles on a 6 mile run, I suddenly just get lost in my own thoughts. I don't feel tired, I don't feel exhausted unless we are running mountain trails, and I get this adrenaline rush that is like no other in the world. this lasts until the run is over, and OH MY GOD that is the sole reason I run. I don't have to run fast to get that high, either.

    Run in interesting places to help your mind wander. Run through the woods, run through a pretty historical nieghboorhood and admire the mansions, or run through a fairly crowded place so that you can people watch. Switch up your running locations, too.

  2. anytime that i'm doing something strenuous, i really have to force myself to get beyond that mental wall of being wiped out.  once you put your mind over it, the pain and tiredness do disappear.

  3. It comes when you push away the pain and just focus on finishing the run. You cant let what you are feeling get in the way. Try to trick your brain into not feeling the pain and just accept it. It may sound weird it really helps me. It happens to me the most in long runs, not workouts, usually when I am a little over 1/2 way because I know the end is near. It helps me not to think about how much i hurt but focus on my form and breathing. When you concentrate on something else it takes your mind off of it and all of the sudden your like "Hey, this isnt so bad"

  4. i feel that everyday in cross country. we have to push ourselves until it hurts. then push even more. when you're on a long run. you just forget about the pain and deal with it. on occasion you can get the "runner's high" which makes your run feel amazing afterwards. and you're in a great mood. but most of the time people deal with the pain and know that they have to finish. because stopping isn't an option.

    a run feels good afterwards. because you felt like you were gonna die and never finish, but at the end of the run you finished giving it all you could give.

    if you're not feeling that way. maybe it's cus you're pushing yourself. but deep down you know you could of given it a little more.

  5. I believe you are referring to what is called "runner's high" or the "second wind" i have experienced this a few times in my life. it does not come at set distance or time. i can run 7 miles and get it but run 17 and not. it has a lot to do with the endorphins your body releases during intense physical and mental stress. they are a chemical that numbs pain and causes a happy feeling. i think the runner's high is just being aware of the effect of them on the body and mind. for me this more frequent AFTER I run rather than during.

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