
I hear shahnaz hussain's beauty products are good. But just curious, how many of u don't like them?

by Guest57216  |  earlier

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I mean, did someone use any shahnaz product but discontinued them because the product wasn't working well or something?




  1. I love her products, but i dislike her, for some reason

    the products works marvellously

  2. Everything depends upon nature of product and type of skin problem and time of application.If you use appropriate product at right place at right time you may get good result but don't expect excellent result.

  3. yessssssss.its me.i jst dont like really dint work on my skin type.tooo harsh u know.

  4. I used the facecream SHAMOIST and it is giving me gr8 results all pimples and other spots gone and that too wid a free sample my mother got wid another product SHALIFE , so i bought more!!

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