
I hear somthing crawling under my floors of my apt!?

by  |  earlier

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i live on the first floor of a aptment! and i keep hearing this crawling sound from the groung at night in my bed room...i knows its some kind of pest...and i =ve told the owners of the apt about this and they still havent did any thing. so wat should i do to get ride of this pest




  1. Set some mouse or rat traps . Bet you'll get something! Hope it's not something larger, like a raccoon ...

  2. You may be Ok I would really worry if you started to hear the refridgerator door open. I would geuss that it could be mice If that was the case and even if it wasn't I would place some of those sticky traps around maybe under the refridgerator or wherever any pets cannot get to them. It would seem unlikely that if it was mice that they have not been in your apartment also. Place the trap on the edge of a piece of paper or cardboard so you can easily slide it under where your hand is too big to fit, and so you won't stick your hand in the glue.

  3. Sounds like the Tell Tale heart.  Give yourself up.

  4. It's the neighbor's cat looking for a nice rodent meal.  Now that you know it's just a cat, can you roll over and go back to sleep and not let it worry you?

    Or you could see if the county vector control guy wants to look at it.

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