
I heard Gordon brown is set to win at least 450 of 644 seats next election. Is this true?

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My older brother said that Brown Bounce seems to be big in the UK right now, and Gordon Brown is projected to sweep England and David Cameron is set to lose his own seat.

Is this true?




  1. No.

    The Labour party got roundly trounced in the recent local elections, and the recent Crewe by-election.


    In fact, if the Scottish Nationalists repeat their success at the UK General Election in Dunfermline that they had in the Scottish General Election, it will be wee Gordon who would have lost his seat. He could well become the first incumbent Prime Minister in modern times to lose his own seat at an election.

    "Brown Bounce" indeed! Your brother should stop taking the drugs - because it is seriously damaging his ability to think straight!

  3. You are behind the times: it may have been true

    when Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair

    but now, if there was a snap election, GB would


  4. I take it your older brother either still believes in Santa Claus or is looking forward to visitors to his padded cell each weekend.

    I have not heard anything so ridiculous in years. Given that Labour will take no seats in Northern Ireland and will get another thrashing by the Nationalists here in Scotland, to get 450 seats will mean that Labour wins nine out of ten seats in England. That will require the biggest swing in history in voting patterns.

    What with the fiasco over the 10% tax band, the escalating fuel price, the fall in housing prices, the increase in the cost of food, do you really expect the Tory middle-England voters to vote for Labour? Not even the English are THAT stupid.

  5. How do you or me know until the day. He may be set to but does not mean to say he will do.

  6. Are you have a laugh?  The fat boy will be booted and good job too as this government has lost it on everything but law and order in particular where it almost favours the poor little knife boy hoodie.

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