
I heard Ireland is asking for people of irish decent to move back to Ireland.?

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if i did, would the government set me up with a job?




  1. no job but u might get a car  ahouse new clothes and spending money from the goverment  and lots  drinking euro bob

  2. That's a question you need to ask the government.  What is happening is that many countries are losing population due to declinng birthrates, and if the trend continues long enough the national identity will be lost and the nation will be unable to sustain itself.  Countries like France, Germany, and Russia, even Israel, face potentially devastaing problems because of declining national birtrates.  Pat Buchanan, in his book "The Death of the West", talks about the very real possibility that some of these countries could disappear altogether.

  3. (This is all assuming that you're from the U.S. Rules are different if you have an EU passport.)

    If either of your parents or any of your grandparents were born in Ireland, then you qualify for Irish citizenship. (Further back doesn't count.)

    The link below has lots of information. More importantly, it's from the Irish government so it's accurate and not some yahoo's guess.

    The last of the three shows job skills which are especially needed. If you are qualified in one of them, you may have an easier time getting a work permit.

    And no, the government won't set you up with a job. That don't need you that badly.

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