
I heard Karl Rove fled the country where did he go?

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Luxemburg, Israel, Paraguay or some other country with a rat line perhaps?




  1. Ah, no where.  He is on Fox News -- the only fair and balanced cable network on TV.

  2. Probably Paraguay to oversee the bush ranch and safe house.

  3. Ha, ha. ha.  If you want to call New York another country, so be it.

  4. paraguay,he has plans to meet the bush family there.

  5. How about in Saudi, Arabia with neil bush, the prezzy's bro?


  6. LOL- From THE SPOOF.Com

    After mysteriously disappearing from public sight 2 days ago, Karl Rove has succeeded in eluding angry Democratic Congressional leaders, and flocks of bloggers with cell phone cameras. Now, there have been 3 spottings of Rove in a remote part of Paraguay.

    It has been widely reported on the Internet, that George Bush purchased 99,000 acres of land in Paraguay shortly before last Fall's election, which swept away Rove's dream of a permanent Republican majority in Congress. Paraguay is in a region of the World which is traditionally safe for War Criminals.

    Donald Rumsfeld is known to have been living in Paraguay for approximately 6 months, now, apparently because it is a safe haven from the War Crimes charges he faces in Germany.

    "This is not a comforting development.." observed Harvard Professor of Political Science, Barney Hampton. "First we saw Haliburton...the regulator of the World's oil supply... move their corporate headquarters to Dubais, to avoid any oversight by the Democratic Congress. Then we learned that the next generation of Iraqi Killer Robots will be manufactured in China, where the business climate is considered more favorable...not just in terms of the low cost of labor, but also in that dissident troublemakers are dealt with without mercy."

    "Now we are seeing a migration to Paraguay of the Neocons... the Architects of The New World Order... who have been bent on global domination, by trying to control the World Bank, the World's major oil fields, and the surveillance of all of the World's telecommunication systems."

    Professor Hampton Continued, "In describing the vitality the US economy, economists now use the term 'Kaput' the US is now the 'World's Greatest Debtor Nation' and is only held up by...or rather...controlled by the Central Banks of China."

    "They spent us into bankruptcy...three times exceeding the Debt Ceiling...spending trillions of dollars designing and building all these ultra high-tech Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now that the US economy is destroyed, the Neocon planners of the New World Order, are seeking to move their manufacturing base to the more stable economies in Asia."

    "It is not clear if the Killer Robots will remain in Iraq, or if China will produce enough of them to travel to all parts of the globe, for policing actions," Professor Hampton continued.

    "And, we now know that the previously undisclosed 'sensitive' national security secret...that Alberto Gonzales wouldn't talk about...involves the monitoring and archiving of the motion and travels of all the world's cell phone owners, made possible by the 911/GPS monitoring capabilities of all new cell phones."

    "However, with the architects of this plan fleeing to Paraguay, we may never know where these archives are being kept, or who controls them," Professor Hamton noted.

  7. Do you know something I don't?  Right now fat, crooked, horrid, pink Karl is writing lies for FOX "News".  I was hoping he'd be in jail by now.  

    But it would be fun if he fled the country - it would mean that the indestructible Bush is finally folding up.

  8. He is hiding under the biggest, flattest rock in Hannity's America.

    Just where he belongs.

    (Leave him in peace)

  9. Rove is, I've been told, is a superbly gifted athlete and role model.

    He was last seen ice skating on the river Styx.

  10. In a galaxy, far, far, away...

  11. Rove should have nothing to fear from testifying.  Even if convicted of anything.  Bush would just pardon him anyway.  The real reason he's not testifying is because he knows it would be ammunition to impeach Bush, then he wouldn't get his pardon.

  12. He does not need to flee. He was instructed by the highest law in the land not to testify in front of Congress.

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