
I heard NASA landed a probe?

by Guest32967  |  earlier

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on Saturn and that the pictures where published in national geographic but could not find them can you tell me where i can find them i really would like to see them online .




  1. yea u cant land on saturn cuz it wuld be like us trying to stand in the air


  2. I heard that they sent a prob to Jupiter and after a few minuets of being in its atmosphere it vanished.

  3. There is no probe ON Saturn.  The Cassini orbiter is orbiting Saturn, it's probe Huygens landedon Saturn's moon, Titan.

    Here's the mission homepage:

  4. its not on saturn its on mars its called phenoix and is searchiing for water for life to exist

  5. hehe! nope, it was to do with one of saturns moons! cause saturn is not a solid! so you cant land on the surface!

  6. dontcha remember all the HOOPLA when they launched the probe?  some whacko groups thought it was a bomb or something and would pollute the whole world (like we cant do that just fine without a probe)

  7. the probe you are thinking of, huygens, did not land on saturn. it landed on saturn's largest moon, Titan. here are some pictures of titan taken by the probe, and the cassani space satelite that carried it:

    From huygens:*t...

    Cassani images of titan and other moons. (titan images *): * * (one of saturn's small moons, pheobe)

    Cassani also took some pictures of other planets, but the hugens probe just took pictures of titan's surface. here are some pics of different planets:

    there are a lot more pictures too. i'll give you some information about titan:

    Titan [TY-tun] is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon in the solar system, rivaled only by Jupiter's moon Ganymede. Before the Voyager encounters, astronomers suspected that Titan might have an atmosphere. Scientists also believed they might find liquid seas or pools of methane or ethane; water would be frozen due to Titan's low surface temperature. Expecting an unusual world, Voyager 1 was programmed to take numerous close up views of Titan as it flew past in November of 1980. Unfortunately, all that was revealed was an impenetrable layer of atmosphere and clouds. Only slight color and brightness variations were observed.

    Although Titan is classified as a moon, it is larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. It has a planet-like atmosphere which is more dense than those of Mercury, Earth, Mars and Pluto. The atmospheric pressure near the surface is about 1.6 bars, 60 percent greater than Earth's. Titan's air is predominantly made up of nitrogen with other hydrocarbon elements which give Titan its orange hue. These hydrocarbon rich elements are the building blocks for amino acids necessary for the formation of life. Scientists believe that Titan's environment may be similar to that of the Earth's before life began putting oxygen into the atmosphere.

    Titan's surface temperature appears to be about -178°C (-289°F). Methane appears to be below its saturation pressure near Titan's surface; rivers and lakes of methane probably don't exist, in spite of the tantalizing analogy to water on Earth. On the other hand, scientists believe lakes of ethane exist that contain dissolved methane. Titan's methane, through continuing photochemistry, is converted to ethane, acetylene, ethylene, and (when combined with nitrogen) hydrogen cyanide. The last is an especially important molecule; it is a building block of amino acids.

    The Voyager spacecrafts were not able to penetrate the thick layers of clouds but they did reveal that Titan is one of the more interesting places in the solar system. What kind of landscape lies below the layers of clouds? What mysteries are held beneath these orange curtains? These questions will have to wait until future spacecraft are launched to visit this unusual moon. On October 15, 1997, the Cassini spacecraft was launched for a rendezvous with Saturn in June 2004. Later that year, it will release the European-built Huygens probe for a descent through Titan's atmosphere. Cassini will have more than 30 encounters with Titan, mapping the moon's surface with a synthetic aperature radar similar to the one Magellan used to map Venus.

  8. As a side note to the great answer given above:

    The reason that no probe has landed on Saturn is because it is made up of gas. There is no solid surface to land on. It sure is a beautiful planet, though.

    Here's a neat fact: If there was a bathtub big enough to fit it, Saturn would float in the water in the bathtub! (That's because it's less dense than water.)

  9. It's impossible to land anything on Saturn, it's liquid gasses.

  10. the recent lander was the phoenix mars lander that reached down on may 25th at 8pm, it's purpose is to scour the martian northern arctic and dig below the surface to analyze the soil to see if mars does or did at one point have the proper ingredients needed to support life, in a recent sample it has been proven that mars does infact have the necessary elements and chains of acids that very well could have aided life on that planet.

  11. Saturn doesn't have a solid surface to land on.  Pictures would be from the inside of gaseous clouds (basically pictures of nothing)

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