
I heard a story about a snake sleeping straight with his mouth open next to his owner. what does that mean?

by Guest33820  |  earlier

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Afterwards they found out from a veterinarian that he was sleeping that way to measure the owner to see if she fits in him!




  1. I don't think that is true, but you never know.  I don't think that snakes will lay next to it's prey to see if it will fit.  Usually they will kill it, by squeezing it, and then try to swallow it.  If it can't it will spit it back it.  

  2. That is a very stupid myth that's been asked about on here countless times. Snakes don't plan for future meals. Nor do they measure their prey. If they did that in the wild, they would never eat because their food would run away while they thought about it.

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