
I heard about a guy called Beraphon but i cant find any information about him. Any help?

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I heard about a person called Beraphon. I tried looking him up, but found nothing. (note: this guy doesn't really exist, that is to say, he's a myth or something like that). From what i've heard, he killed a monster then got too proud, then wanted to go to the gods, but he got struck down and lived a miserable life. So..any help..thanks in advance




  1. Do you mean Bellerophon ? (βελλεροφῶν) or Bellerophontes (βελλεροφόντης) was a hero of Greek mythology, "the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside of Kadmos and Perseus, before the days of Heracles",[1] whose greatest feat was killing the Chimera, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail: "her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame'

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