
I heard about the cuban heavyweight stevenson?

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i heard he could of given ali a run for his money or even beat him too bad castro wouldnt let him go pro 4 gold medals is outstanding




  1. i agree, teófilo stevenson lawrence was an outstanding amateur boxer and could have held his own with the best professionals of his day.

  2. Teofilio Stevenson (I think that's spelled right) was the best fighter to ever come out of Cuba. . .but he CHOSE to not fight professionally.  Castro's regime did not permit Cuban citizens to box professionally. . . for some reason.  His Olympic feats are going to be hard to beat. . . it may be a while before we see someone even ATTEMPT to try it, since so much more money can be made in the pros.  Lots of Cubans defect to other countries to fulfill their dreams of being a boxer.  Jose "Mantequilla" Napoles did that, and became a world champion.  

    Devotion to a cause, regardless of financial gain or loss.  Looks to me like Stevenson has even MORE in common with Ali than I thought!

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