
I heard an animal noise. It is nocturnal. Sounded like a cat.?

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It sounded like a very large cat, too large to be a house-cat- but that is what it souded like. it's call was constant and as if it was very distressed. Like I said- very loud, high-pitched, sounded like the volume of a whining house-cat turned to max. If somone can help me identify it and possibly direct me to a sound file that might help, that would be great. Oh, and I live in Colorado, near Colorado springs- a rural area.




  1. Puman or a Mountain Lion. Gee, that sounds kinda scarey.

  2. Probably a mountain lion or cougar,

    Call animal control, and let them handle this, dont go outdoors quite yet.

  3. Cougar, bobcat, or maybe lynx. That would scare the life out of me haha. I live in a neighbour hood in Alberta, once a cougar came in our neighbour. Yikes!

  4. puma, bob cat or mountain lion

  5. From what it sounds like I don't think it is a cat that any normal human would have but from your description it sounds like a mountain cat. I would check out a cat sounds info page and see what you can find, GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. could be a cougar or mountain lion...


  7. Most likely, it was a bob-cat. Just make sure if you have any animals like small dogs, or house cats that you keep them inside at night. I have had a friend who has lost animals due to thos bob cats.

  8. mountain lion.

    or maybe a bob cat?


  9. they have alot of cougars(moutain lions)  out there but its probably just a bobcat

  10. oh sorry that was me

  11. It could possibly be a bob cat or a mountian lion.

  12. Moutain lion or a Bob all i got

  13. do some investigating

  14. Heres a fact for you. Cats are supposed to be nocturnal! surprising huh? My cat was always awake at night but slept mostly during the day and i looked online and found that out. So you may of heard a cat.

  15. I agree 100% with Electrag!

  16. Oh my friend has lived there before and near the same area as you and the same thing happened to her. She went outside to find it was a bob cat. She was freaking out. Lol. Don't worry, they are more afraid of you!

  17. Raccoon. Young ones sound like that when they're hungry and want food from their parents.

  18. Whatever it is, if it's in distress, you shouldn't go anywhere near it. Injured animals are very dangerous.

  19. Colorado has many wild cats living there. What you described is probably a wild cat, such as a mountain lion, but it could also be something smaller like a lynx. They may be small, but they can scream very loudly.

    More importantly, female wild cats scream or yowl when they are in heat. (Unspayed house cats tend to yowl since they have a much lower volume range!) The cat that you hear is most likely ready to mate and is searching for a male. The calls have to be loud enough to travle long distances (cats are solitary). The consistency of the calls means that it was not an attack or something fighting because that would be more of a sporadic growling and hissing.

    Here is a youtube link to a cougar scream. The pictures are unimportant, but this is what a female cougar in heat sounds like. The smaller cats can also be this loud.

    For safety issues, your house is in the cats territory and it probably wants nothing to do with you. If you dont bother it, it wont bother you. The cat may have some older kittens which it is getting ready to kick out of the den. It wouldnt be mating if it had young kittens. Don't walk into the woods without being prepared, as you live in Colorado, I assume you have some idea about wild animals.

    Otherwise, get a camera cause in 9 or 10 weeks, you may see some really cute kittens!

  20. It's a raccoon, probably trying to protect her haven from a cougar, fox or coyote. I live in Byers Colorado.

  21. Could have been anything from either a fisher, a raccoon, or a bobcat.

  22. could be a mountain lion but I doubt it probably a bobcat or a lynx. I wouldn't go outside until morning. (And by the way, morons, cougars, mountain lions, and pumas are the same things.

  23. It could  have been a Fisher Cat. They make noises that can be described as loud whining cats or  babies and women crying or screaming. They can be nasty animals, so if you think there's on out there you may want to call animal control and/or keep your animals in.

    From <>

    It's a Marten

    Fishers are also known for one of their calls, which is often said to sound like a child screaming, and can be mistaken for someone in dire need of help. Some of the fisher make very odd sounds like a cat meow but screaming.

    Also, the kids in this video are pretty dumb, but about a minute into the video you can hear a Fisher Cat screaming.


  24. Ok liek I am not an animal expert but if you heard an animal noise at night it was probably a racoon, or a possum. Do you sit your garbage out side? If so, it might be some type of rodent.hope that helped!

  25. It could be a bob cat, or maybe even a mountain lion.  I also live in a rural Colorado area where many people who have heard the lion's "screams" compare it to a woman screaming loudly.  Whatever it is, be cautious!

  26. Maybe an Ocelot.

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