
I heard certian jews are actually considered to be of Turkish origen, is that really true?

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I heard certian jews are actually considered to be of Turkish origen, is that really true?




  1. Yes. You are referring to the Khazars. They were a mix of tribes making up a kingdom. They were actually adoptive Jews. They chose to become Jews because they were under pressure from nearby Muslim and Christian empires to choose one or the other religion, so they chose neither.

  2. In spite of the childish-looking icon, I will respond.

    There are ancient families of proselytes (converts) into Judaism dating from Early times. They came from the neighboring areas, Turkey being but one.

    The family of Eber ( Hebrews) originated in what was called Syria. The "Jews" were only the descendants of Judah, one of the 12 sons of Israel. Ephraim was the eldest, but generations later, this branch and 9 other tribes had become dispersed throughout the Babylonian Empire, and on into the Persian and Greek.

    The tribes of Judah and Benjamin became the more numerous of the inhabitants of the restored Kingdom of Israel, with Judah being the most influencial. (up until their final destruction by the Romans in the Year 60,)

  3. Sure. Jews are from all over the world. Greek Jews, German Jews, Russian Jews, American Jews etc.

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