
I heard deodorant is ilegal in france is this true?

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I heard deodorant is ilegal in france is this true?




  1. Oh my god. are you all dumb ? first time i hear that. Let me say that french ppl (i am one) are perfectly CLEAN we take shower everyday, women use deodorant and razors like everybody. This cliché stink btw...

    Merci emma c'est gentil de nous défendre mdr =)

    emma who answered earlier is my friend and lived in france for a quite long time even if she's american so you can trust her if u dont trust me ^_^

    Well here i heard that american ppl are all fat, and just stay in their sofa all the day (and night) and just eat nasty and things made of oil essentially ^_^

    Nevermind, know that french ppl are CLEAN, CIVILIZED and every guy isnt blond with a moustache or hairy girls with beard....or what you want ^^

    ah, and i take a shower everyday and shave my self often, thanks ^^

    (excuse my english if i made mistakes >.>)

    (and oh my god this wasnt a joke ? xD)

  2. I just wanted to point out that I have never said or thought :

    "the people stink in x*x country" and I have NEVER heard any of my compatriots say such awful things about foreign people ...

    (Ne lui répondez pas je suis sûre que c'est un troll!)

  3. ewww thats nasty if it is...

  4. this is a hypocritical question. the french do what we do. they use deoderant,shower,and shave!

  5. Hello, i am french... Is it a joke ??? (lol) I take 2 showers by day and i use soap (yes, i do). i use too deodorant. Ho, it's horrible, am i an outlaw ?

    So, i'm not vindictive... kiss from France (Don't worry, my tooths are clean...)

    Bye Bye, Gaïa.

    Sorry for my English.

  6. omg....that a r****d question ...i am french !!! h**l ya....we use deodorant , we shave ...i mean we are normal...and sorry but i lived during one year in america and i took more showers than my host family sooo shut up plz about the cliche !!

  7. not illegal just immoral in thier eyes.

  8. sure, it is true... as well as soap by the way!

    I had my last bath 6 month ago when I fell accidentally into the local river!

    Now that I happily answered your question, I have one for you too, if you allow me : is it true that all the american are obese?

  9. Hahaha on aura tout entendu!!

    Well as English isnt my native language i have some troubles with your question, i can't guess if there's a bit of irony or if it's really sincere, but anyway...

    Deodorant isn't illegal, nor razors, where did you people find this information? French people are said to be stinky and dirty, i'd like to tell you this is, once again, a cliché about our nation, once again, something that foreigners enjoy saying about us without knowing anything about our lifestyles. Im sorry to be so rude, but come on, do you think a modern country would forbid deodorants? LOL the idea itself is just hilarious. I reckon this stereotype comes from the french lifestyle...... 4 or 5 centuries ago!! When our kings would use lots of perfumes to avoid bad smells. Of course, it was true that french people stinked in the XVIth century. But i guess it was the same everywhere on earth!! I guess the gold seekers in America would stink as well!! Don't you think?!

    French people are clean just like other europeans and maybe even more ( although i respect my fellow european citizens, of course! ) Im a woman and i personally take two showers a day, shave everywhere in my body, use deodorant every single day and brush my teeth 3 times a day. And i don't think i'm an exception at all!!

    If you go to a supermarket, you'll find a buntch of deodorants, from the basic ones to the brand new ones, preventing white stains, for sensitive skins, long lasting ones, sprays, liquids, for men, women, sporting people, etc.. whatever you want! And it's almost ridiculously too much, by the way! ( marketing, marketing!! ) And same for toothpastes, razors, towelettes, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, body or face scrubs, creams, and so on.

    Why would you think it's illegal? LOL do you think there's a policeman hiding in our bathrooms every morning and checking we're not doing illegal stuff under our showers? haha i can't help laughing im sorry, i'm being mean but i can't help, sorry sorry!!

    And i once had a boyfriend from overseas, and he never told me i stinked, never found anything dirty about me! ( I just wanted to specify this because of the person above who said the frenchies stink... )

    Well i hope i've answered your question " properly " lol Have a good day!

  10. Likely because it would get all tangled up in their armpit hair.. The french do not shave...especially the woman

  11. now that is funny!!!

  12. You b*****d

  13. i am sorry, but i have to call you an a$$hole! are you really serious? what planet are you from? or have you just not evolved properly? or maybe you haven't even been out of the country to know that YES, FRANCE HAS DEODORANTS

    and people use them and shower and the women are the europeans who wax the most, and not only their legs, fat head. plus, learn how to spell "illegal"

    franchement, c'est quoi ces cons qui se croient au centre de l'univers? il faut sortir un peu des Etats-Unis, là

  14. wtf..? what idiot told you that..?

  15. oh. ur funny..

  16. Yes, that's true.  If you get caught smuggling even small amounts of deodorant into France, or Britain, you can get a minimum of 40 years to life.

  17. yeees, it is illegal. French people like natural smells .

  18. I haven't heard that, although it would explain why the French aren't too popular!

  19. idk but if it is french ppl are disgusting

  20. It's not illegal. It is just not a hot selling item.

  21. no but razors are

  22. Ditto to Emma

    Right on & More Power to ya!!!!

    French women stay permanently waxed, in all important parts seen and unseen.  Trust me, a woman in France can't and shouldn't step out of her house with even a nip of stubble on her without running the risk of being arrested by the "fashion police"!!!

    France, a country that designs and makes many highly technological items: flat screen technology was invented by a French lab in France by the French, the high speed train, one of the world's longest bridges and one of the highest, the Ariane space rocket, and unfortunately, nuclear tech. and the A-bomb, also has deodorent in every store and home that is actually used and not considered as a display item!!!

    Is anyone who thought otherwise, feeling a little stupid?


  23. no, it's absolutly not true. deodorant, razors etc. is totally legal.

  24. It's not that it's illegal the french are afraid of deoderant. Why they're afraid of showers and a lot of other things, too. Wikiepedia describes them as Wussies and I can see why.

  25. who cares

  26. Haha I used to live in California and when I moved to France, hahaI found it incredible how people stink here! haha The Americans are a bit more clean like with their teeth as well =) Haha funny question.


    French people shave!!! German's don't shave but the French are still decent wtfff

  27. lol why would that be true?

    they probably told you that because everyone says the french stink. which is just another sterotype

  28. The only reason I'm answering this question is for the points.

  29. No, deodorant cannot be illegal anywhere unless it has illegal products in it. It may not be commonly used, and their habits (including shaving bodily hair) are different from ours. But neither razors, nor deodorant are illegal. I've been there and have been able to buy both at any convenient store. There was also soap in every shower of each hotel I roomed in. I prefer using deodorant, but whatever makes you happy, right? Anyways, the answer is no you must have been misinformed.

  30. Not.

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