
I heard every speaker at the Republican Convention refer to McCain's character.....?

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So.....why didn't they mention that McCain started sleeping with his present wife while still married to his first wife (who had undergone a crippling car accident)???? I mean, THEY're the ones who kept bringing up McCain's great character. Seems to me, a cheating husband hardly has any character (nor the lady with whom he is cheating). Am I missing something here?




  1. LOL BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON. Enough said.  Eat it, hypocrite.

  2. That would show  that John McCain is nothing but a pig, and none too Honorable.

    Also, McCain left his crippled wife for a wealthy Cindy, Bill Clinton stayed.

  3. McCain has a strong character to name a lady who takes naked pictures as his champion of family values.

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