
I heard global warming will make glaciers melt and will make some parts of the world flood!! is that true?

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is global warming hurting our glaciers. is that bad new? how?




  1. Of course. As VP Cheney said in a marvelous speech to the Radio and TV Correspondents gathering this year, it happens every year and is called Spring.

  2. wow...

  3. The glaciers have been melting for millions of years.  And they will be back.  I don't believe in man made global warming, so if the glaciers melt, it's the Earth doing what it does.  

    What people are worried about are the polar ice caps melting completely.  There is a scare tactic that if we don't stop living, the ice caps will melt and many coast lines and cities will be under 200 feet of water.  

    The problem is, the ice and icebergs have already displaced the water so that water has been moved out of the way.  If the ice melts, the seas will rise mere inches, and even that will be taken up by lakes and rivers.  Water expands when it freezes, and that is ice.

  4. Nope but Al Gore does talk a lot of smack.

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