
I heard milk in Mexico is different than the U.S. What can I give my toddler in place of milk?

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I heard milk in Mexico is different than the U.S. What can I give my toddler in place of milk?




  1. Do you really think people are stupid enough to give their children tap water.

    Leche Lala is excellent milk and Nido is very nutritional.

    Pay attention to Bagalood.  One smart Mexican.  Salud

  2. I've traveled throughout Mexico with my four children (aged 8-18 years old) and sometimes when they asked for a glass of milk it's been UHT, which does taste a little different, so simply ask for 'leche fresca por favor'.  You can also buy fresh milk (not UHT) at most supermarkets and stores, so buy a few containers and ask to keep it in your hotel fridge.

    Happy travels :)

  3. the milk is still good but don't give them water

  4. Hello.

    I don't know where did you hear that.

    I'm a mexican dairyman, I've traveled into USA (Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, and more) and Canada (Ontario and Québec) to visit other dairy farms there; and I have also received visitors from there. Believe me; there are NOT differences: we have the same quality standards and production systems are very similar (... or even the same). The real México is more similar to USA than the "tourist" México or  the "media" México; we are not so different at all.

    Only avoid to drink "crude" milk, wich is sold in some areas; but the pasterized milk is absolutelly the same.

    There are some brands you should remember, they are dairy producer similar to the producers in USA:

    Lala, Alpura, San Marcos, Al Día, Sello Rojo, Leche León, Gota Blanca, La Escondida.

    You can buy in México two different kind of milks according to the process (as in USA): LTLT or HTST (or UHT). In USA is more popula the LTLT, but in México (specially in touristic areas) is more easy to find UHT, this is beacuse the process almost sterilize the milk, and it last about 6 months after packed. There is not nutritional difference, but the taste is a little bit different 'cause the temperature to proces the milk is higher. In my opinion, you should prefer UHT than LTLT ("fresh pasterized milk") 'cause it last longer time and you don't need freezer untill it is open.

    Or you can use powder milk too and buy bottled water to mix it (never use tap water, we don't drink it actually, only bottled purified water).

  5. lol Milk is the same in mexico...LOL it all comes from cows!But really dont drink the water: )

  6. Different in what sense? name? :o)  we do not drink milk directly from the cow-bucket-glass, we have decent plants to process it.

    You can even find some of the same brands you have in the US.

    And yes, give them water too, not from the tap, I never drank from the tap in the US either, the taste is awful. Buy purified water at any drugstore, supermarket, vending machine, corner store, etc, etc.

  7. The mik here is fine. Perhaps safer than the US. It tends to have a LITTLE less fat than NOB.

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