
I heard more people died when Clinton was in power compared to Bush. is this true!?

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I am very supportive of the war we are in. I got into a debate with classmates and we began discussing the war. I read on several sites that more people died when Clinton was in power than Bush. Is this true?




  1. No. It's a blatant lie.

    Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

    “A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.”

    And this study was TWO YEARS AGO.

    The figure most recently come to light, has risen to 1.2 MILLION. Directly attributed to bush.

    The slanderous claim you have posted about President Clinton is just that – slander.

    “In the week in which General Patraeus reports back to US Congress on the impact the recent ‘surge’ is having in Iraq, a new poll reveals that more than 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens have been murdered since the invasion took place in 2003.

    Previous estimates, most noticeably the one published in the Lancet in October 2006, suggested almost half this number (654,965 deaths). “

  2. Why should you support any deaths by any one , no matter if it is an argument over who killed the most, or who killed the least- this is slap silly!

  3. I would imagine that a person is less apt to die or get killed setting at home job less or without enough money to go anywhere. So it is probably true. Under the Clinton Administration, people had the money to do things and had jobs so they had to get out of the house which put them at a greater risk!.

  4. Yes.

    In both civilian and military.

  5. Casualty figures are never accurate. Historically, armies and administrations go to great lengths to obscure true losses. This army and this administration are no different.

  6. You are correct.

    The figures WILL NEVER be available publicly as long as the Democrats are controlling congress. It is NOT in their best interest to PROVE they have America in worst shape than Bush or any other Republican administration has or will.

  7. Many more died because of bushes lies than died because of Clintons.

  8. Not in wars.

  9. NYC you should check things out for yourself.

    Ive seen a report where more US Service people died during Clintons 8 years, than Bushes with a war.

    But on the other hand no one notices that during the 5 years at war twice as many AMericans were killed at home by illegals.

    You can find that info on the FBIs website.

  10. I don't see how that's possible.  Maybe if you counted world-wide deaths when Clinton was president and compared it to American deaths when Bush was president, but I can't believe more people died under Clinton's term than under Bush's if equal data sets are compared.  9/11, the Iraq War, Darfur, Katrina, the Tsunami of 2006, the Chinese Earthquake... there's been a lot of mass-death situations under Bush's term; I just don't see how Clinton's term in office saw more.

  11. It's a lie.  

    The truth is that more military personnel died during the first six years of the Bush administration than died during the eight years Clinton was in office, even counting military deaths in the U.S. from accidents, murders, suicides and natural causes.

    And the person above that sited a source actually proved it's a lie.

    So don't believe all of that conservative nonsense you hear or read.

  12. Clinton made it so there were less poor people and less homeless.  And an overall better economy.

    Bush has sent thousands and thousands to die in a war because he "maybe, sort of, thinks" there might be weapons there.  I don't see how that is possible.  And if more people did die, it had nothing to do with Clinton's actions.  He can't stop people from dying.  Like he can't go to a person dying from cancer, tell them "don't die," and they wont.  But he didn't send them into a different country where they were waited to get brutally killed in a war, because he was bored of playing all his golf and wanted some excitement, like Bush.

    And if it isn't true, I'm sure you can find websites claiming it is true.  I bet I can find at least 20 websites out there claiming that Santa Claus is real and giving a million "facts."

    You can't always believe everything you hear...

  13. No that is not true, not at all.  Crime went down and no Americans died during Bosnia.  That's just more Obama propaganda.

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