
I heard of a language called Express-onto? ?

by Guest64014  |  earlier

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Is there really a language called that? What country does it come from?




  1. What?

    There is no language calles like that ...

  2. Esperanto,is very nearly what we call Spanglish.

  3. Its called Esperanto - don't realy know much about it and I have never met anyone who speaks it.

  4. I think you mean Esperanto. It doesn't come from any country as it is an 'invented' language.

    See these for more info.

  5. Esperanto I think you mean.

  6. I suspect you mean Esperanto.

    Esperanto is an artificial language that was invented early in the 20th century and intended to be so easy to learn that everyone would use it for international communication.

    However, it never caught on, mainly because it was far too close to existing European languages rather than the many other types of language out there. Also, many people felt that it lacked soul or feeling.

    About the only place you'll see it these days is in episodes of Red Dwarf, where the signs on each deck saying "Level 324" or whatever are printed in English and Esperanto.


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